A nationwide study of faith and belief in New Zealand reveals both challenging and encouraging news on the public perception of Christianity.
01 November 2018
Résumé des nouvelles hebdomadaires de l’Agence d’information de la Communion anglicane, le vendredi 26 octobre 2018
26 October 2018
Resumen semanal de noticias del Servicio de Noticias de la Comunión Anglicana a viernes 26 de octubre de 2018
26 October 2018
Numbers worshipping in Church of England cathedrals in Christmas 2017 has broken records for the second year running.
24 October 2018
The Church of England has appointed Tashi Lassalle, a former head of communications in the finance sector, as its new director of communications.
24 October 2017
The number of people entering training to become clergy in the Church of England is at the highest level for a decade, it was announced today.
27 September 2017
Only two per cent of Anglicans in England and Wales are converts, a new study suggests. Research by Dr Stephen Bullivant, published this week, suggests that in a group of 100 Anglicans, 93 will have been brought up as such, five will have started life in another Christian denomination, and only two would have belonged to no religion.
27 May 2016
Some 2.4 million people attended a C of E service at Christmas in 2014, a slight increase on the previous year; but overall, the latest attendance figures show that the number of people attending church services weekly has dipped below one million people for the first time, continuing a gradual year-on-year decrease of about one per cent.
13 January 2016
To see the future of Christianity in Britain, go on a Sunday morning to an old Welsh Congregational chapel off the Pentonville Road in Islington. The building has been bought by a Pentecostal Ethiopian church; the congregation raises its hands in a show of unEnglish ecstasy to praise God in Amharic.
08 January 2016
New Church of England statistics for 2013 published today show that an average of one million people attend services each week, down about 1% on the previous year
10 November 2014