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16 September 2024

Top News Stories

International focus on the Anglican Communion at Church in Wales meeting

International focus on the Anglican Communion at Church in Wales meeting

Christians facing persecution and churches overseas were major themes at the Governing Body meeting in the Church in Wales on September 4-5. 


Anglicans will share voices of faith at the UN’s Summit of the Future

United Nations Summit of the Future logo.

Anglicans will share voices of faith on AI, Climate Change, Conflict and Growing Youth Populations at the UN’s Summit of the Future.


Bishop Matthew Gunter to be Installed Bishop of Wisconsin

Bishop Matthew Gunter

The Right Revd Matthew Gunter will be installed as the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin on Saturday 5 October at Stevens Point.

Europe & Middle East

The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem call for peace

The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem have issued a statement calling for peace

The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem have issued a statement calling for the urgent need to conclude the war.




Anglican Bishops Urge Peace and Unity Ahead of Ghana's Elections

The Most Revd Dr Cyril Kobina Ben-Smith

In anticipation of Ghana's upcoming political elections Anglican Bishops have called on the nation to embrace peace, unity, and love.