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Bishop calls for stronger controls on advertisements for gambling and betting

The Church of England’s Bishop of St Albans has welcomed new restrictions on advertising for gambling-related products and services.

13 February 2019

British government u-turn over fixed-odd betting machines welcomed by bishop

Bishop of St Albans Alan Smith welcomes a British government decision to bring forward restrictions on fixed-odd betting terminals.

19 November 2018

Résumé des nouvelles hebdomadaires de l’Agence d’information de la Communion anglicane, le vendredi 9 novembre 2018

Résumé des nouvelles hebdomadaires de l’Agence d’information de la Communion anglicane, le vendredi 9 novembre 2018

09 November 2018

Resumen semanal de noticias del Servicio de Noticias de la Comunión Anglicana a viernes 9 de noviembre de 2018

Resumen semanal de noticias del Servicio de Noticias de la Comunión Anglicana a viernes 9 de noviembre de 2018

09 November 2018

Bishop’s concern for youth after government delays new gambling restriction

A Church of England bishop has criticised the British government’s decision to delay new limits on a type of high-stake digital betting machines.

05 November 2018

Church of England welcomes British government’s gambling announcement

The British government has today announced it is restricting the maximum stake on a type of electronic gambling terminal to just £2.

17 May 2018

Melbourne Anglicans: Gambling industry corrupts government

Gambling income has corrupted successive Victorian State Governments because they rely heavily on gambling income and because the industry has “bought off” the political parties, the Melbourne Anglican synod has been told.

19 October 2015

Australia: Synod votes for gaming divestment

The Diocese of Sydney has voted to divest in companies that receive significant profits from gambling revenue.

14 October 2014

Australia: Synod highlights 'inactivity' on gambling

The 2014 General Synod has chided the Federal Parliament for failing to respond effectively to a four year old report on gambling in Australia.

03 July 2014