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The Clewer Initiative

Résumé des nouvelles hebdomadaires de l’Agence d’information de la Communion anglicane, le vendredi 26 octobre 2018

Résumé des nouvelles hebdomadaires de l’Agence d’information de la Communion anglicane, le vendredi 26 octobre 2018

26 October 2018

Resumen semanal de noticias del Servicio de Noticias de la Comunión Anglicana a viernes 26 de octubre de 2018

Resumen semanal de noticias del Servicio de Noticias de la Comunión Anglicana a viernes 26 de octubre de 2018

26 October 2018

Church of England takes its modern slavery fight into primary and secondary classrooms

The Clewer Initiative is taking its fight against modern slavery into primary and secondary schools, with lesson plans and assembly guides.

22 October 2018

Britain’s Jewish community urged to embrace Church of England’s anti-slavery initiative

Britain’s Council of Christians and Jews is promoting an anti-slavery app that was devised as part of a Church of England initiative.

13 August 2018

Church of England anti-slavery initiative wins government backing

The UK’s Prime Minister, Theresa May, has given her backing to the Church of England’s new anti-slavery programme, the Clewer Initiative.

17 October 2017