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News Stories


Archbishop Linda Nicholls chosen as Americas regional primate on Standing Committee

Archbishop Linda Nicholls of Canada has been chosen as the Americas regional representative to the Primates’ Standing Committee.

06 August 2022

Gender Justice remains a priority after restructure of the Anglican Communion Office

The work to facilitate and resource Anglican Churches around the world in the fight for gender justice will continue in the new look ACO.

09 February 2021

Christians around the world observe Anglican Communion Sunday this weekend

Christians from all over the world will pray for the Anglican Communion on Sunday (26 May), the feast day of St Augustine of Canterbury.

24 May 2019

Anglican Consultative Council’s new youth member elected to the Standing Committee

ACC members from Jerusalem and the Middle East, Tanzania, and a regional Youth Member from Africa, are elected to the Standing Committee.

04 May 2019

Seventeenth meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council begins on Sunday

Final preparations are underway in Hong Kong for the 17th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council, which begins on Sunday.

26 April 2019

Draft agenda published for Anglican Consultative Council – ACC-17 – in Hong Kong

The seventeenth meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council – ACC17 – begins in a month in Hong Kong.

28 March 2019

Anglican Consultative Council to bring “fragrance of Christ” to the world

The Chair of the Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop Paul Kwong, wants the Council to bring “the fragrance of Christ” to the world.

18 January 2019

Archbishop of Central America elected to Anglican Communion’s Standing Committee

Archbishop Julio Murray of Central America has been elected as the Americas Primate on the Anglican Communion’s Standing Committee.

28 November 2018

Final preparations underway for inauguration of Chile as 40th Anglican Communion Province

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is travelling to Santiago to officially inaugurate the newest Province of the Anglican Communion.

01 November 2018

La Iglesia Anglicana de Chile ratificada como cuadragésima Provincia de la Comunión Anglicana

La Iglesia Anglicana de Chile, actualmente diócesis de la Iglesia Anglicana de América del Sur, se convertirá en la 40.a Provincia de la Comunión Anglicana.

04 October 2018