Christians from all over the world will pray for the Anglican Communion on Sunday (26 May) – the feast day of St Augustine of Canterbury. The member Churches of the Anglican Communion were first asked to set aside a Sunday for prayer for the Anglican Communion in 2002, when the Anglican Consultative Council, meeting in Hong Kong, “to raise awareness of and celebrate the Anglican Communion.”
The call was repeated when the ACC met in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2012, for ACC-15. In a resolution, the members said that they “encourages churches of the Anglican Communion to celebrate, and take advantage of resources produced for Anglican Communion Sunday.” And in 2016, ACC-16 in Lusaka, Zambia, the ACC went further, and invited member churches “to stipulate the Sunday closest to the Feast of Saint Augustine of Canterbury (26 May ) as Anglican Communion Sunday to celebrate and pray for the Anglican Communion.”
The resolutions also called on parishes to raise funds to support the inter-Anglican budget, which supports the work of the Anglican Communion Office (ACO).
This year, the ACO has raised awareness of Anglican Communion Sunday through social media, and has shared a collect, adapted from one used as the 2008 Lambeth Conference, as one which churches can use on Sunday.
Heavenly Father
in whom we live and move and have our being,
guide this your Anglican Communion in its proclamation of the Gospel
that we who witness to the Good News of your kingdom
may reveal your presence to all who yearn for the truth,
a truth that sets us free,
by your Spirit and in your Son
today, tomorrow and for ever. Amen
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