Bishops from Latin America met last week to discuss “anti-migrant, racist and discriminatory policies adopted by the US’ authorities.”
06 February 2018
Bishops from the northern triangle of Central America will a regional cross-provincial meeting to discuss a growing migrant crisis.
11 January 2018
A group of young people from Chimaltenango in Guatemala have undertaken an Advent pilgrimage of the five dioceses of Central America.
22 December 2017
During July the Anglican Alliance visited the Episcopal Diocese of El Salvador to learn more about its mission and development activities.
08 August 2017
Human Rights ombudsmen have met with Anglican and Episcopal Bishops representing the Northern Triangle countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to discuss the creation of a regional Anglican Commission on Human Rights to protect refugees in Central America.
02 December 2015
78th General Convention resolution calls for support for work of Anglican Central America Province
06 July 2015
Sturdie Wyman Downs is new head of Province comprising Dioceses of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.
11 March 2015
El Rvdmo. Juan David Alvarado ha sido consagrado e instalado como Obispo de la Iglesia Anglicana Episcopal de El Salvador (IAES) en la congregación de San Juan Evangelista, de la ciudad de San Salvador.
05 February 2015
[ENS] The Revd Alvarado will succeed the Rt Revd Martín Barahona who is retiring.
26 August 2014
The Anglican Diocese of El Salvador recently named five priests, including two in the Episcopal Church, as candidates to be its next bishop.
21 August 2014