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News Stories


Documentary profiling the fight against sexual abuse in Congo wins Human Rights award

2017 Human Rights Award by WACC and Signis goes to Dieudo Hamadi’s “Maman Colonelle”, a documentary about sexual violence.

25 April 2018

Refugees missing from European media reports on migration crisis

A detailed study by an ecumenical group accuses European media of maintaining a “pattern of invisibility” for refugees and migrants.

17 November 2017

Stephan Brown eletto nuovo presidente della sezione europea della WACC

Stephan Brown eletto nuovo presidente della sezione europea della WACC

12 June 2014

European Festival of Religious Programmes examines the place of religion in society

The European Television Festival of Religious Programmes, 11-14 June 2014 in Hilversum, Netherlands, is exploring whether religious expression is (still) taking place in public space

12 June 2014

École d'été sur "Communication et la Religion"

WACC est heureux d’annoncer une école d’été sur "la Communication et la Religion" qui aura lieu le 16 au 21 Juin 2014 à Toronto, au Canada.

10 March 2014

Escuela de Verano sobre "Comunicación y Religión"

La WACC se complace en anunciar una Escuela de Verano sobre "Comunicación y Religión" que se llevará a cabo del 16 al 21 de Junio 2014 en Toronto, Canadá.

10 March 2014

Summer School on "Communication and Religion"

WACC is pleased to announce a Summer School on “Communication and Religion” that will take place 16-21 June 2014 in Toronto, Canada.

10 March 2014