The former Worldwide President of the Mothers’ Union, Lynne Tembey, is to be awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE).
11 January 2019
Résumé des nouvelles hebdomadaires de l’Agence d’information de la Communion anglicane, le vendredi 19 octobre 2018
19 October 2018
Resumen semanal de noticias del Servicio de Noticias de la Comunión Anglicana a viernes 19 de octubre de 2018
19 October 2018
Sheran Harper from Guyana, Anglican Church in the Province of the West Indies, has been elected Mothers’ Union Worldwide President.
08 October 2018
The Worldwide President of the Mothers’ Union, Lynne Tembey, has prayed for victims of the MV Nyerere disaster during a visit to Tanzania.
25 September 2018
The Archbishop of Canterbury paid tribute to the Mothers’ Union on Sunday, describing them as “the heart and love of the Church”.
02 August 2017
Rwanda’s capital city Kigali was festooned with blue and white decorations on 31 July as the Province's Mothers Union celebrated its 50th jubilee.
08 August 2016
The Archbishop of Canterbury said he “praises God" for the Mothers’ Union during a service at Lambeth Palace this week to recommission Lynne Tembey as worldwide president of the global Anglican women’s organisation.
03 March 2016