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News Stories


Tree planted at Anglican Communion Office to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee

The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, plants a tree as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy.

30 May 2022

A Christmas Message from Moderator Dharmaraj Rasalam and the leaders of the Church of South India

A Christmas Message from Moderator Dharmaraj Rasalam and the Deputy Moderator, General Secretary and Honorary Treasurer of the united Church of South India.

22 December 2020

An Easter message from the Moderator of the Church of South India

An Easter message from the Moderator of the Church of South India

14 April 2020

New Moderator elected for the united Church of South India

The Bishop of South Kerala, A Dharmaraj Rasalam, is the new Moderator of the United Church of South India.

13 January 2020

New Moderator elected for the united Church of South India

The Bishop of South Kerala, A Dharmaraj Rasalam, is the new Moderator of the United Church of South India.

13 January 2020

“We must learn from the past” says Archbishop of Canterbury at site of Indian massacre

Learning from the past is essential to prevent further atrocities like the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, the Archbishop of Canterbury said.

12 September 2019

Myanmar consultation shares steps for whole-life transformation for churches and communities

Representatives from across Asia have taken part in a consultation affirming a new approach to whole-life transformation.

02 August 2019

Archbishop of Canterbury to visit site of Indian massacre

Pilgrimage, prayer and pastoral concern will be focus of Archbishop of Canterbury’s visit to the United Churches of North and South India.

01 August 2019

Golden year of celebration as the united Church of North India marks 50th anniversary

The united Church of North India is using its 50th anniversary to review, consult and then re-set its mission priorities for the next decade.

19 July 2019

South India’s youth experience interfaith peace-making

A visit to Nepal for young people from the Church of South India has revealed the impact of peacebuilding across different faiths in Asia.

21 June 2019