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Dominican Republic

Latin American seminaries reflect on local needs

Episcopal and Anglican leaders in theological education are clear that training must include analysis of regional problems so that clergy can perform quality pastoral work.

27 October 2016

Focus on Marks of Mission at Brazil youth congress

Participants, including members of emerging Anglican Lusophone network, develop contemporary youth creed

01 October 2015

Programas educativos de Iglesia Episcopal Dominicana reducen decifit aulas

La Iglesia deja escuchar su voz cristocéntrica y profética a través de sus diversos programas en las áreas de la educación y de la salud

26 August 2015

The Episcopal Church strengthens position on immigration, refugees

Link to Anglican Communion efforts to end statelessness through universal birth registration campaign

16 July 2015

Episcopal bishops study self-sustainability in the Philippines

Bishops from Province IX recently spent time in the Philippines studying the church’s journey to financial self-sustainability in the local context

10 October 2014