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News Stories


ACC 12 offering to help family of slain priest

ACC 12 offering to help family of slain priest

When the delegates to the Anglican Consultative Council meeting held in Hong Kong, at the end of September, learned that the delegate from the Province of the Congo was slain on his way to the meeting, it was decided unanimously to dedicate the offering of the opening service to help his family.

10 October 2002

Secretary General's words on death of Basimaki Byabasaija

Secretary General's words on death of Basimaki Byabasaija

A week ago Friday, while I was waiting at Heathrow for my flight to Hong Kong, Lynne Butt from our Travel Office called and told me the horrid news -that Basimaki Byabasaija, the clergy representative from the Anglican Church in the Congo, had been murdered on the way to ACC-12 from his home in Boga en route to Uganda where he was going to fly to Hong Kong.

08 October 2002

ACC12 affirms Archbishop of Canterbury's resolution

ACC12 affirms Archbishop of Canterbury's resolution

ACC members strongly affirmed the resolution moved by the Archbishop of Canterbury that called for individual dioceses in the Anglican Communion not to take unilateral action or adopt policies that would strain 'our communion with one another' without reference to their provincial authorities.

01 October 2002

Interfaith work and concerns shared at ACC12

Interfaith work and concerns shared at ACC12

The world's great religious traditions should be seen as on the same side fighting for peace and justice, said Bishop Kenneth Fernando of Colombo Sri Lanka, in making his presentation to the ACC on interfaith issues. "We all condemn violence and are striving to remove the causes of terrorism."

25 September 2002

Official Anglican Web Portal launched by the Anglican Consultative Council

Official Anglican Web Portal launched by the Anglican Consultative Council

A major expansion of the Anglican Communion web site, published by the Anglican Communion Office, London, was announced on 23rd September at the 12th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council. 

24 September 2002

Layman elected Vice-Chairman of the Anglican Consultative Council

Layman elected Vice-Chairman of the Anglican Consultative Council

Professor George Koshy, a lay representative from the Church of South India on the Anglican Consultative Council was today elected Vice-Chairman of the ACC during the second week of its Hong Kong meeting.

23 September 2002

Archbishop of Canterbury's Sermon at a Eucharist Service

Archbishop of Canterbury's Sermon at a Eucharist Service

On behalf of all ACC-12 members we are delighted to be with you this morning and to share in your worship. The hospitality of the Province of the Hong Kong Church has been quite unforgettable and we are all so very grateful to your Archbishop and bishops, clergy and people for your care and support.

23 September 2002

Anglican Consultative Council affirms restraint in regard to proposed military action in Iraq

Anglican Consultative Council affirms restraint in regard to proposed military action in Iraq

The Anglican Consultative Council, meeting in Hong Kong, passed two resolutions regarding proposals for war against Iraq. The first resolution expressed opposition too any unilateral action by the United States against Iraq. The second resolution affirmed ACC solidarity with the position taken by the Episcopal Church, USA in a statement issued by the church’s Presiding Bishop in June 2002.

23 September 2002

Presiding Bishop John Paterson elected Chairman of Anglican Consultative Council

Presiding Bishop John Paterson elected Chairman of Anglican Consultative Council

In the closest of votes, the Primate of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, and Bishop of Auckland, the Most Revd John Paterson was elected chairman of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) during its 12th meeting in Hong Kong on 21 September 2002. The other nominee was Professor George Koshy of India, a lay person.

21 September 2002

There is another way! We can say Yes there is a better tomorrow!

There is another way! We can say Yes there is a better tomorrow!

An Address by Dr Ishmael Noko, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation to the Twelfth Meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council

21 September 2002