Photo Credit: Ming Hua Theological College
[Church of Ireland Notes from ‘The Irish Times’] Twenty–one members of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, the Province of Hong Kong and Macau in the Anglican Communion, are visiting Ireland on a ten–day exploration/study trip organized by Ming Hua Theological College and Dublin University Far Eastern Mission (DUFEM).
Ming Hua, as the theological college of the Anglican Province of Hong Kong and Macau, prides itself on enhancing the experience of its students and by providing opportunities for members of the Church in Hong Kong to learn more about their faith as Anglicans in both a local and global context. This trip is an opportunity to do exactly that and will give participants the chance to see and experience both the important history and legacy of Irish Christianity and the vibrant modern history of Ireland and its people.
Led by Dr Matthew Jones, the Academic Programme Director from Ming Hua, and co–ordinated on behalf of DUFEM by Dr Kerry Houston (Director of Chapel Music at Trinity College Dublin), participants will visit, among other places, St Patrick’s and Christ Church cathedrals in Dublin, St Anne’s cathedral, Belfast, St Patrick’s cathedral, Armagh, and St Macartin’s cathedral, Enniskillen.
The Anglican Church in Hong Kong has a very positive relationship with the Church of Ireland. This trip is another example of the warm friendship that exists between the Church in Hong Kong and Ireland that will further strengthen links with both the Church of Ireland Theological Institute and links at diocesan and parochial level. Participants on the visit include Ming Hua staff, students, members of clergy and members of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.
Godfrey Day Memorial Lecture
Another link with Hong Kong is the annual Godfrey Day Memorial Lecture that examines contexts for overseas mission. This has been delivered by distinguished guests from Hong Kong in recent years including Archbishop Paul Kwong, Revd Peter Koon (provincial secretary) and Professor Gareth Jones (Ming Hua Theological College). This year’s lecture will be given by Dr Matthew Jones (Ming Hua) on Tuesday in the Trinity Long Room Hub at Trinity College Dublin. The theme will be ‘Christian Belief and Context in Melanesia’.