Resolution 14.01: Ecumenical Affairs (Ecumenical)
Resolved, 09.05.09, 11.05.09(clause b)
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- thanks the members and staff of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission for Ecumenical Affairs (IASCER) for their fruitful labours over the last ten years, and commend the Report “The Vision Before Us”, compiled on behalf of the Commission by the Revd Sarah Rowland Jones, for study as a benchmark ecumenical volume in the Provinces of the Anglican Communion;
- endorses the “Four Principles of Anglican Engagement in Ecumenism” set out in that Report as a key description of the Anglican approach towards ecumenical activity and goals, adopts the following shorthand to describe them, and commends them to the Churches of the Communion;
- The Goal: the full organic unity of the Church
- The Task: recognising and receiving the Church in one another
- The Process: unity by stages
- The Content: common faith, sacraments and ministry
- welcomes the Resolutions of IASCER set out in the Report, and endorses those relating to the administration of the “the two sacraments ordained by Christ himself – Baptism and the Supper of the Lord”(Lambeth Quadrilateral) and urges their adoption throughout the Anglican Communion in the light of the importance of convergence on the administration of these sacraments in ecumenical relations;
- reaffirms the “Guidelines on Ecumenical Participation in Ordinations” set out in the report of IASCER as describing the best practice for Anglicans in this area;
- requests the Standing Committee to commission a review of the processes for the reception of ecumenical texts, as recommended in the Resolution 02.08 of IASCER;
- welcomes the continuing work of the various dialogue commissions of the Anglican Communion at present operating, namely the Anglican Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council, the Anglican Lutheran International Commission and the Anglican Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission;
- looks forward to the Report of the ARCIC Preparatory Commission, and the commissioning of a third phase of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission, and the resumption of the work of the International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission and the International Commission for Anglican Orthodox Theological Dialogue;
- urges the resumption of the work of the Anglican Oriental Orthodox International Commission along the lines set in IASCER Resolution 04.04 point 4
- noting the favourable response recorded in the Lambeth Indaba Reflections to the reports “The Church of the Triune God” of the International Commission for Anglican - Orthodox Theological Dialogue and “Growing Together in Unity and Mission” of the International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission, commends them to the Provinces of the Communion for study and response as detailed in IASCER Resolutions 07.08 and 08.08, and requests that Provincial responses be submitted to the Anglican Communion Office by the end of June 2011 for consideration by the subsequent meeting of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission for Unity, Faith and Order;
- welcomes the IASCER Report with respect to the World Council of Churches and urges the Churches of the Anglican Consultative Council to continue their support of, and their participation in, the life of the WCC;
- urges Anglican Christians around the world to gather informally with other Christians around God’s Word, in prayer and in service.
Resolution 14.02: Evangelism and Church Growth Initiative (Mission)
Resolved 09.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- notes the aspirations and desire of the Bishops at the 2008 Lambeth Conference “to develop a worldwide vision and strategy of church planting, growth and mission” (Lambeth Indaba P.13),
- welcomes the renaming of the department from Mission and Evangelism to Mission Department,
- endorses Resolution 2 of the Joint Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates of the Anglican Communion of November 2008 and the work already undertaken to set up an Evangelism and Church Growth Initiative.
Resolution 2: Mission Desk at the Anglican Communion Office
THAT the Joint Standing Committee of the Primates of the Anglican Communion and the Anglican Consultative Council receive the report on the future of the Mission Desk at the Anglican Communion Office, agree to its renaming and encourage the Secretary General to proceed with the setting up of and Evangelism and Church Growth Network.
Resolution 14.03: Anglican Relief and Development Alliance (Mission)
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- acknowledges the request from the Bishops at the 2008 Lambeth Conference to enhance a more collaborative approach to existing relief, development and advocacy activities in the Anglican Communion, and the support for this initiative from the Primates’ meeting in Alexandria in February 2009,
- welcomes and receives the report from the Anglican Relief and Development Consultation in January 2009;
- affirms the recommendation to form an alliance of Anglican relief and development agencies to improve co-ordination in development, relief and advocacy work across the Communion, and to share experiences of best practice;
- encourages the steering group, established after the January 2009 Consultation, with the Anglican Communion Office and Lambeth Palace, to advance this recommendation, seeking the widest Communion participation.
Resolution 14.04: Local efforts in Relief and Development (Mission)
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council asks the Anglican Communion Office to investigate means by which relief and development initiatives at local level, in congregations, dioceses, provinces and other groups across the Communion might be encouraged and strengthened.
Resolution 14.05: Sixth Mark of Mission (Mission)
Resolved 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council
- endorses the request from the Anglican Church of Canada and the 2009 Mutual Responsibility and Mission Consultation in Costa Rica to add a sixth "Mark of Mission" that relates to peace, conflict transformation and reconciliation to the current list of five,
- requests the Mission Department of the Anglican Communion Office to take this process forward and report to ACC-15.
Resolution 14.06: ‘The Bible in the Life of the Church’
(Theological Studies)
Resolved, 09.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- welcomes the presentation by Archbishop Phillip Aspinall and the Director of Theological Studies on the proposed project ‘The Bible in the Life of the Church’;
- asks the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Secretary-General to appoint a Steering Group to direct the project until ACC-15;
- encourages the development of the project along the lines presented, asking that the Steering Group take account of the work of, and work collaboratively with, the Listening Process and the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order;
- asks Provinces to contribute to the ongoing costs of the Project over the next three years;
- asks that a report on the project be presented to ACC-15.
Resolution 14.07: Network on Inter-Faith Concerns
(Theological Studies)
Resolved, 09.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- welcomes the varied work done by NIFCON in the field of inter faith concerns;
- commends the report Generous Love: the truth of the Gospel and the Call to Dialogue for study in the Anglican Communion
- endorses NIFCON's priorities for the next phase as set out in their Report, in particular its desire to offer training resources in the field of engagement with other faiths, and to assist the Anglican Communion in responding more effectively to the situation of Christian minorities living in difficult contexts.
- welcomes the appointment of Most Revd Mouneer H Anis and Rt Revd Tim Stevens as Presidents of NIFCON.
Resolution 14.08: Theological Education in the Anglican Communion (Theological Studies)
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- thanks the current members of TEAC for their work and contribution to the development of theological education in the Anglican Communion;
- welcomes the new phase of the Working Party;
- endorses the proposed structure and tasks as set out in the submission received;
- welcomes the establishment of the informal network “Connecting Anglican Women in Theological Education” and asks those responsible for the work of TEAC to support and encourage its further development;
Windsor Process Resolutions
Resolution 14.09: The Windsor Continuation Group
Resolved, 08.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- thanks the Archbishop of Canterbury for his report on the work and recommendations of the Windsor Continuation Group,
- affirms the recommendations of the Windsor Continuation Group,
- affirms the request of the Windsor Report (2004), adopted at the Primates’ Meetings (2005, 2007 and 2009), and supported at the Lambeth Conference (2008) for the implementation of the agreed moratoria on the Consecration of Bishops living in a same gender union, authorisation of public Rites of Blessing for Same Sex unions and continued interventions in other Provinces;
- acknowledges the efforts that have been made to hold to the moratoria, gives thanks for the gracious restraint that has been observed in these areas and recognises the deep cost of such restraint;
- asks that urgent conversations are facilitated with those Provinces where the application of the moratoria gives rise for concern;
- encourages the Archbishop of Canterbury to work with the Standing Committee and the Secretary General to carry forward the implementation of the Windsor Continuation Group Report recommendations as appropriate,
- asks the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order to undertake a study of the role and responsibilities in the Communion of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates’ Meeting; the ecclesiological rationale of each, and the relationships between them, in line with the Windsor Continuation Group Report, and to report back to ACC-15;
- calls the Communion to pray for repentance, conversion and renewal; leading to deeper communion.
Resolution 14.10: IASCUFO Study
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council, in the light of the Resolution 14.08 of ACC-14 on the WCG Report, asks that the report of the study undertaken by IASCUFO includes a study of the existing papers developed within our Communion and of current best practices in governance for multi-layered complex organizations, and makes recommendations to ACC-15 on ways in which the effectiveness of the Instruments of Communion may be enhanced.
Resolution 14.11: The Anglican Communion Covenant
Resolved, 08.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- thanks the Covenant Design Group for their faithfulness and responsiveness in producing the drafts for an Anglican Communion Covenant and, in particular, for the Ridley Cambridge Draft submitted to this meeting;
- recognises that an Anglican Communion Covenant may provide an effective means to strengthen and promote our common life as a Communion;
- asks the Archbishop of Canterbury, in consultation with the Secretary General, to appoint a small working group to consider and consult with the Provinces on Section 4 and its possible revision, and to report to the next meeting of the Standing Committee;
- asks the Standing Committee, at that meeting, to approve a final form of Section 4;
- asks the Secretary General to send the revised Ridley Cambridge Text, at that time, only to the member Churches of the Anglican Consultative Council for consideration and decision on acceptance or adoption by them as The Anglican Communion Covenant;
- asks those member Churches to report to ACC-15 on the progress made in the processes of response to, and acceptance or adoption of, the Covenant.
Resolution 14.12: The Listening Process
Resolved, 06.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council
- thanks Canon Philip Groves for his facilitation of the Listening Process since 2005 and for his report to Anglican Consultative Council;
- recognises that listening is a long term process and is linked to the “gracious restraint” asked for in the Windsor Continuation Group Report;
- notes that the report requested that the Instruments of Communion to commit themselves to a renewal of the Listening Process, and a real seeking of a common mind upon the issues which threaten to divide us (paragraph 25);
- welcomes the proposal for a Continuing Indaba Project and urges its implementation as soon as possible;
- expresses its profound thanks to Dr David Satcher, Director of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at the Morehouse School of Medicine, for his generous financial support for this project.
Network Resolutions
Resolution 14.13: Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC)
Resolved, 06.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council
- gratefully acknowledges the work of the CUAC (the Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion) network in supporting and enlarging educational ministry throughout the Communion
- asks that Provinces
- identify and support Anglican-related institutions of higher learning in their region
- urge such institutions to participate in the CUAC network in order to effect mutually useful student and faculty study experiences and exchanges
- give attention to the training and experience of future leaders and scholars for Anglican institutions of higher education in their regions;
- asks the network to encourage and advise on the establishment of new institutions of higher education in Provinces where no such institutions exist.
Resolution 14.14: Theological Institutions (from CUAC)
Resolved, 06.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council notes that there is an evolving field of knowledge in contemporary Anglican Studies, and that both current and future leaders of the Communion would benefit from learning about Anglicanism in more than one context. It therefore encourages
- schools of theology, seminaries and programmes of ministry to develop inter-Anglican courses which involve the study and research of the variety of Anglican contexts, and specifically to include inter-Anglican study projects with students of at least one other very different Province
- the ACO Department of Theological Studies, to co-operate with CUAC in the development of such programmes
- theological colleges, seminaries and programmes of study to explore the possibility of using these relationships to develop a permanent inter-Anglican network of institutions of theological studies.
Resolution 14.15: Anglican Communion Environmental Network
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council supports the Archbishop of Canterbury in his thoughtful reflection and witness in the areas of the environment, the global economy and our support of vulnerable people and communities, and encourages Provinces:
- to weigh the environmental as well as the financial costs of all church activities;
- to assist transition to a carbon-neutral world by accepting, year on year, a five percent reduction in the carbon footprint of the Churches;
- to celebrate a liturgical “Season of Creation” as an integral part of the church’s yearly pattern of worship and teaching;
- to advocate access to drinkable water as an inviolable human right;
- to encourage faith communities to understand that energy is part of God’s provision, and that renewable energy should become the standard and fossil fuels be used only when renewable energy is temporarily unavailable;
- to provide means for Anglicans to develop competencies in environmental stewardship and theological reflection on the sustainability of creation and the appropriate use of science and technology;
- to advocate sustainable restorative economies with national governments, the United Nations through the Anglican Observers Office, and local constituencies.
Resolution 14.16: International Anglican Family Network
Resolved, 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council affirms the value of International Anglican Family Network's work to the Communion, particularly the publication of their newsletters, welcomes the network's proposal to hold a third regional consultation on family issues in Oceania in 2010 and urges Provinces to support this proposal in every way they can.
Réseau /Resolution 14.17:
Le Réseau francophone de la Communion anglicane/ Resolution of the Francophone Network of the Anglican Communion
Résolu/resolved, 05.05.09
(en français)
Le Conseil Consultatif Anglican demande au Comité Ad Hoc d’explorer les moyens d’encourager la traduction de travaux théologiques anglicans fondamentaux dans des langues autres que l’anglais ainsi que leur dissémination, de même que de soutenir la formation de professeurs pour les collèges théologiques de ces provinces et diocèses dont la langue nationale est autre que l’anglais.
(in English)
The Anglican Consultative Council requests the Standing Committee to explore ways of encouraging the translation of basic Anglican theological works into languages other than English, and their dissemination, as well as supporting the formation of teachers for the theological colleges of those provinces and dioceses whose national language is other than English.
Resolution 14.18: Anglican Health Network
Resolved, 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council
- welcomes the establishment of the Anglican Health Network as an official Network of the Anglican Communion
- commends the objectives of the Network to the Provinces.
Resolution 14.19: Anglican Indigenous Network
Resolved. 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- asks those member Churches whose governments have not yet signed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to encourage their governments to become signatories;
- asks that, where there exist indigenous people who are minorities, member churches cooperate with indigenous Anglican leaders to ensure the provision of theological education and ministry training at all levels that takes account of indigenous cultural contexts and traditions;
- calls upon member Churches to value, honour and incorporate the wisdom of the elders of indigenous peoples in their midst in efforts to address global climate change and the sustainability of creation;
- recognizes the on-going disastrous effects that colonialism has had on indigenous peoples and their families and calls on member Churches, where there exists indigenous people who are minorities, to take appropriate and necessary steps to assist the healing of indigenous families, including the protection of women and children from violence and human trafficking.
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: (
Resolution 14.20: Anglican Communion Legal Advisers’ Network (ACLAN)
Resolved, 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council
- thanks the Anglican Communion Legal Advisers’ Network for the work undertaken so far;
- commends the Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion for study in every Province;
- invites Provinces and others to submit comments on the Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion to the Convenor by 30 June 2010;
- requests the Editorial Committee of the network to submit a report on the responses received to the following meeting of the Standing Committee; and
- encourages the Provinces to use the network as a resource in dealing with legal issues in their Provinces.
Resolution 14.21: International Anglican Liturgical Consultations
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council receives with thanks the Report of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultations.
Resolution 14.22: The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil
(from the Anglican Peace and Justice Network [APJN])
Resolved, 08.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council expresses solidarity with the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil) in its prophetic stand on behalf of rural black and quilombo communities who “are experiencing a delicate and tense moment due to imminent judgment of ADI No. 3239 by the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court.”
Resources: letter from the Primate of Brazil - to be added
Resolution 14.23: Community Rebuilding (from APJN)
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- acknowledges with admiration and gratitude the vital work of local churches in rebuilding communities that have been devastated by violence and conflict;
- urges Anglican and Episcopal development and aid agencies and other Church and secular NGOs, where appropriate, to increase their support through local churches, in order to hasten the implementation of social development programmes that address food security, education, sustainable livelihoods, health care, women’s development and internally displaced persons.
Resolution 14.24: Conflict (from APJN)
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- remembers people in places of conflict and injustice everywhere, especially in
- Pakistan, where blasphemy laws allow persecution under law of Christians, and encourage religious extremism
- Philippines, where killings and disappearances of church workers and others working in civil society have occurred
- Sri Lanka, where a humanitarian crisis threatens hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians on the north eastern coastal belt of Sri Lanka
- Sudan, where its peoples desperately seek an end to conflict, suffering and death
- Zimbabwe, where previous government policies have created intolerable conditions that have destroyed the infrastructure of the country
- Other places, including Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Madagascar, Nepal, and Nigeria
- commends the efforts and witness of the Churches in all these areas
- encourages the Provinces of the Anglican Communion to support prayerfully and practically fellow Christians and all who live in situations of conflict, hostility and injustice
- calls upon the Provinces of the Anglican Communion to pursue, with their governments and all other parties, the end of these and all other conflicts and injustices.
Resolution 14.25: Korea (from APJN)
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- notes the suffering arising from the continued division of Korea,
- offers its prayers and support for the continuing efforts of the Anglican Church of Korea for reunification;
- commends the humanitarian efforts of the Anglican Church of Korea for the relief of the starving population in North Korea and expresses its gratitude for the international co-operation demonstrated in this project;
- laments that the political situation in the Korean peninsula and the surrounding nations has worsened in recent months;
- considers that re-engagement in dialogue and collaboration is the best forward to achieve reunification and calls on all countries involved to desist from confrontation and to re-open conversations and collaboration;
- supports the recommendations of the worldwide Anglican Peace Conference entitled “Towards Peace in Korea” (TOPIK) in 2007, organised in response to resolution ACC13.49, and asks the Standing Committee to consider the ways in which these recommendations may be carried forward;
- urges the continuation of TOPIK initiatives until a permanent peace is reached on the Korean peninsula.
for the TOPIK report:
The recommendations are set out there as follows:
To Member Churches of the Anglican Communion
- Utilize existing Anglican resources, particularly the Anglican Peace and Justice Network, for learning about and sharing information on peacemaking.
- Create a task force, authorized by the Archbishop of Canterbury and working with the Anglican Peace and Justice Network, to initiate future programs, including a similarly-designed peace conference in another part of the world such as the Middle East.
- Authorize that task force to create peace-focused educational and liturgical materials for churches throughout the Communion.
- Build on the work of the World Council of Churches' "Decade to Overcome Violence."
- Provide programs in conflict resolution for those in theological and ministry formation, specifically creating an Institute for Peace-Training within the Anglican Communion.
- Encourage the development of grassroots, parish-based peace training programs.
To The Anglican Church of Korea
- Organize a further peace conference which would include a wider range of participation, particularly from North Koreans, young people, women, those of other faiths and those from regions under-represented at this conference.
- Sponsor the translation and publishing of the stories of Koreans' experiences into at least English and Japanese.
To The Anglican Consultative Conference and Lambeth Conference
- Initiate a specifically Anglican follow-up to the WCC Decade to Overcome Violence.
- Provide time in the agenda for Lambeth 2008 for discussion of the issues raised by this conference.
Resolution 14.26: Middle East (from APJN)
Resolved, 09.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Kingston, Jamaica between May 2-12, 2009, in response to the challenge in a sermon on May 3, 2009, of the Archbishop of Canterbury to be a people of hope to those in need of justice, forgiveness and reconciliation,
- deplores violence wherever it is used in conflict in the land of Israel/Palestine and affirms its desire that a robust peace process in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict leading to a two state solution should be pursued by all parties without delay
- expresses its deep concern about recent and continuing events in Gaza, and supports and draws attention to the ‘Statement on the situation in Gaza’ issued by the February 2009 Primates meeting.
- laments the fact that current Israeli policies in relation to the West Bank, in contravention of UN Security Council resolutions, have created severe hardship for many Palestinians and have been experienced as a physical form of apartheid.
- noting that a just peace must guarantee the security and territorial integrity of both Israel and the future state of Palestine so that all the people of the area can live in peace and prosperity, applauds President Barack Obama for his commitment to work for a just peace for both Palestinians and Israelis, and calls on him and all governments of the Middle East to work in co-operation with the United Nations for the creation of a Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel as defined by UN Security Council Resolutions,
- welcomes the Arab League statements which indicate a readiness to make peace with the state of Israel, the resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the normalization of relations, and calls on the Israeli government to respond favourably to the Arab proposal in an effort to end all forms of belligerence on the basis of international law.
- calls on Israel to
- end its occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
- freeze immediately all settlement building with the intention to abandon its settlement policy in preparation for a Palestinian state
- remove the separation barrier (wall) where it violates Palestinian land beyond the Green Line
- end home demolitions, and
- close checkpoints in the Palestinian territories
- recognising that the city of Jerusalem is holy to Christianity, Islam and Judaism and is not therefore the monopoly of any one religion, upholds the view that members of all three faith groups should have free access to their holy sites.
- calls on all people of faith and good will to pray and work for peace so that justice and reconciliation may be achieved for all the people of Palestine and Israel.
Resolution 14.27: Peace-making Dialogues (from APJN)
Resolved, 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- urges Anglicans everywhere to be bold in preaching reconciliation and facilitating peace-making dialogues in every situation of war and conflict;
- supports the concept of healing through the processes of truth-telling, repentance, and restorative justice;
- urges all in provincial leadership positions, especially those in theological education, to implement programmes of conflict-resolution skills training as a contribution to developing effective and bold prophetic voices for God’s justice in all societies;
- commends to the Provinces of the Anglican Communion the educational resources on conflict transformation and reconciliation identified and promoted by the Anglican Peace and Justice Network on the ACO website.
Resolution 14.28: Post-Conflict Resolution (from APJN)
Resolved, 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- welcomes with appreciation the report of the Anglican Peace and Justice Network entitled “Community Transformation: Violence and the Church’s Response,” and thanks the provinces of Rwanda and Burundi for hosting the APJN in September and October 2007
- celebrates the leadership exercised by the Provinces of Burundi and Rwanda, as well as Congo, Sudan, and Melanesia, in establishing post-conflict programs of reconciliation and healing, as highlighted in the report
- calls for increased solidarity from member Churches of the Anglican Communion with the Provinces in the Great Lakes Region, and recommends the establishment of partner relationships, where common witness and support may help in the prevention or resolution of conflicts in the region and communities may be more immediately rebuilt.
Resolution 14.29: Sudan (from APJN)
Resolved, 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- draws the attention of member Churches to the Statement on Sudan issued by the Primates at their meeting in Alexandria in February 2009;
- asks its member Churches to urge the African Union, the United Nations, and their own governments to be more assertive in seeking a commitment from the Government of Sudan to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement without further delay;
- urges its members to offer continued prayers and advocacy for a cessation of violence in Darfur, for resumption of peace talks with the Lord’s Resistance Army and the disarming of other marauding groups, for safe passage for aid organizations, and for the protection of civilian populations throughout the country;
- appeals to those Anglican leaders who are in dialogue with Muslim leaders around the world to share from their experience, insights and wisdom on how best the interreligious dimensions of the conflict in Sudan can be reduced.
Resolution 14.30: Towards Effective Anglican Mission (from APJN)
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council expresses appreciation for the Towards Effective Anglican Mission (TEAM) Gathering in Boksburg, South Africa in March 2007 and commends the TEAM report to the Provinces as a resource in addressing the Millennium Development Goals and the alleviation of poverty in its many forms.
Resolution 14.31: Anglican Refugee and Migrant Network
Resolved, 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council
- welcomes the re-establishment of the Anglican Refugees and Migrant Network as an official Network of the Anglican Communion,
- thanks the Province of Hong Kong for hosting the Network, and
- commends the objectives of the Network to the Provinces.
Resolution 14.32: Anglican Urban Network
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council affirms the work of the Anglican Urban Network.
Resolution 14.33: The International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN)
Resolved: 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- receives the report from International Anglican Womens Network, commends the network for its work and commitment, and encourages it to continue to raise and promote women's concerns in church and society;
- urges full implementation of ACC Resolution 13.31 (b.ii) across the Communion and encourages Provinces, through the IAWN Provincial links, to report on further progress made to ACC-15;
- requests that appointments to all Inter-Anglican Standing Commissions, and all other inter-Anglican Committees, design groups, or appointed bodies follow resolution ACC 13.31 (b.i) to provide equal representation of women on each body;
- unequivocally supports the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls, including trafficking, and encourages all Provinces to participate in programmes and events that promote the rights and welfare of women, particularly as expressed in the Beijing Platform for Action and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals;
- recognising the importance of appropriate allocation of financial resources, recommends implementation of the principles of gender budgeting throughout the Communion, and requests Provinces to report on progress made to Anglican Consultative Council-15.
(ACC Resolution 13.31.b) Anglican Consultative Council acknowledges the MDG goal for equal representation of women in decision making at all levels, and so requests
- the Standing Committee to identify ways in which this goal may appropriately be adapted for incorporation into the structures of the Instruments of Unity, and other bodies to which the Anglican Consultative Council nominates or appoints
- all member churches to work towards the realisation of this goal in their own structures of governance, and in other bodies to which they nominate or appoint and to report on progress to ACC-14
For the Beijing Platform:
For the MDGs:
Resolution 14.34: International Anglican Youth Network
Resolved, 05.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- urges every Province to ensure that at least one person, actively involved in youth ministry in their Province, participate in the International Anglican Youth Network;
- encourages every Province to dedicate one Sunday each year as ‘Ministries with Young People Sunday’;
- requests each Province to take up a special offering annually to support ministries with young people, of which a part would be for the work of the International Anglican Youth Network;
- requests each Province to contribute financially to the work of the International Anglican Youth Network.
Other Resolutions
Resolution 14.35: The Compass Rose Society (CRS)
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- thanks Bishop Philip Poole, President of the Compass Rose Society, for his presentation on behalf of the Society;
- thanks the Society for its generous financial support for the work of this Council and for mission in the Anglican Communion;
- asks the Provinces to consider how they might support the work of the Compass Rose Society, including recruiting new members
- asks the Standing Committee to consider and implement steps to strengthen the relationship between the Compass Rose Society and the Anglican Consultative Council, including:
- identifying areas of Anglican Consultative Council work that may be supported by CRS;
- appointing a liaison person from Anglican Consultative Council to the Board of CRS
- working with the Secretary General to plan strategic visits to further mission in the Anglican Communion and the mission of the CRS, and
- inviting regular reports from the CRS to the Standing Committee.
Resolution 14.36: Finance
Resolved, 11.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- adopts and approves the Statement of Accounts for the years ending 31 December 2006-2008;
- approves the budget presented to the meeting for 2009 and the projections for the years 2010 and 2011;
- asks each Province to meet its requested budget contribution, which includes a projected increase of 3% each year.
Resolution 14.37: The Iberian Churches and the Extra-Provincial Jurisdictions
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- noting the long history of communion of the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church and the Lusitanian Church with the Churches of the Anglican Communion, requests the Standing Committee to consider their admission to full membership of the Anglican Consultative Council;
- asks the Standing Committee to set up a review of the relationship of all the extra-Provincial jurisdictions with the Anglican Consultative Council.
Resolution 14.38: Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates’ Meeting
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council:
- welcomes the presence of the Primatial members of the Standing Committee as full members of the Anglican Consultative Council, and
- asks the Primates to include an equal number of non-Primatial members of the Standing Committee as non voting participants in the Primates' Meeting.
Resolution 14.39: Terminology (Standing Committee)
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council
- notes that the former “Joint Standing Committee” is named as the “Standing Committee” under the new constitution;
- amends the resolutions of this Anglican Consultative Council meeting so that the title “Joint Standing Committee” is replaced with the title “Standing Committee” wherever appropriate.
Resolution 14.40: Resolution of Thanks
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council expresses its profound thanks for the hard work and leadership of those who take leave from us especially
- The Rt Reverend John Paterson for his gentle and steady hand as Chair, Vice-Chair and member of the Anglican Consultative Council since 1990
- Professor George Koshy as Vice-Chair and member of Anglican Consultative Council since 1990
- The Rt Reverend Gregory K Cameron as Director of Ecumenical Affairs since 2003 and Deputy Secretary General since 2004.
Resolution 14.41: Resolution of Thanks
Resolved, 12.05.09
The Anglican Consultative Council adopts the following letter, greetings, and expression of thanks.
To the Anglicans of Jamaica
This Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Kingston Jamaica gives thanks to the people of the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands for their exceptionally warm welcome and generous hospitality. Led by the Bishop of Jamaica, the Rt Revd Alfred Reid, together with the suffragan bishops of Jamaica, the Rt Revd Harold Daniel, Bishop of Mandeville; the Rt Revd Howard Gregory, Bishop of Montego Bay, the Rt Revd Robert Thompson, Bishop of Kingston, those belonging to the diocese have gone out of their way to welcome the participants in this meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council and have been exceedingly generous with their time and resources. The service of welcome in the sports arena on Sunday 3 May, and the visits to some 32 parishes of the diocese over the weekend of 9-10 May were highlights for many and will long stay in the memory of those who participated. Such events as ACC-14 take a huge amount of planning and we are hugely indebted to the work of the Local Arrangements Committee led by Bishop Robert Thompson and all those others who worked alongside him in these services, and in all the other arrangements so necessary to the smooth running of the meeting.
Daily worship and prayer frame the life of Anglican Consultative Council meetings. Canon Collin Reid headed the Chaplaincy Team which ably led our morning and evening worship, and were available daily as chaplains to the meeting. Our thanks go to those who led the music: we all go home with new songs in our hearts to share with our congregations on our return home.
Volunteers, led by the Revd Michael Elliott, from local churches have hugely assisted the smooth running of the meeting. We are indebted to them for their assistance in so many ways and for being available at all times to do what was needed in the office, and as ushers, information givers, providing transport - the list is endless. Thank you.
While members of ACC-14 were engaged in the business of the Council, those accompanying them enjoyed the programme of visits and excursions arranged for them by the local hosts. All those involved in this programme greatly enjoyed and valued the opportunities to see something of Jamaican life and culture. We recognise the huge amount of work involved in making the arrangements and would like to extend our thanks.
We are extremely grateful for all that you have given us. We wish to assure the people of Jamaica that we will continue to hold them and the work and witness of the Anglican Church of Jamaica in our hearts and prayers.
Prayers and Greetings
The members of the Anglican Consultative Council received with appreciation greetings from the President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Cardinal Walter Kasper on behalf of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI; from the Ecumenical Patriarch, His All Holiness Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople New Rome; from the President of the International Old Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Union of Utrecht, Archbishop Joris Vercammen, Archbishop of Utrecht, and from the Obispo Maximo of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, the Most Revd Godfredo J David.
The Council was pleased to welcome as ecumenical participants: Canon John Gibaut and the Revd Paul Gardner [from the World Council of Churches]; Monsignor Mark Langham [the PCPCU]; Metropolitan Nikitas [The Ecumenical Patriarchate]; Bishop Michael Pryse [Lutheran World Federation]. We extend our thanks to our ecumenical participants for their willingness to stand alongside us and to offer prayer, greetings and participation as their gift to us. We assure them of our continued prayer commitment to them as fellow sisters and brothers in the body of Christ.
The Anglican Consultative Council sends greetings to our ecumenical dialogue partners, to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, to His All Holiness Bartholomew Ecumenical Patriarch, to Archbishop Joris Vercammen, to Ishmael Noko, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation, and to George Freeman, General Secretary of the Methodist World Council, and to all faithful Christians and we wish to assure them of our prayers for their work and witness and for the unity of the Church.
Expression of Thanks
This meeting gives thanks for the work of all those whose God-given gifts have contributed to this meeting and whose dedication and service have enabled the Council to do its work, at this meeting and in the period since ACC-13 on behalf of the Anglican Communion.
Our thanks go to:
The President, the Most Revd and Rt Hon. Dr Rowan Williams,
The Chair, the Rt Revd John Paterson,
The Vice Chair, Professor George Koshy
Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Canon Kenneth Kearon
the members of the Joint Standing Committee 2005 -2009
the members of Finance Committee 2005 – 2009
Additionally, in the conduct of this meeting, our thanks go to:
those who led the bible studies (Clare Amos, Kumara Illangasinghe and Janet Trisk)
those who led the discernment groups (Mwita Akiri, Josephine Hicks, Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Ezekiel Kondo, Humphrey Peters) and the ecumenical streams (John Gladstone, Sue Moxley, Elizabeth Paver, James Tengatenga), and
the members of the Resolutions Committee (Tony Fitchett Chair, Philippa Amable, Ian Douglas, John Gladstone, John Stuart and Gregory Cameron, Secretary)
We offer particular thanks for the innovative design of the Anglican Consultative Council meeting, and for those responsible in developing and sustaining this, to the Secretary General and to Stephen Lyon and Sue Parks.
Our thanks go to the members of the Anglican Communion Networks who gave freely of their time to resource and inspire this meeting by sharing the work of the Networks. Their presence greatly enhanced and informed our deliberations. Additionally, this Council notes that a great deal of the work and witness of the Anglican Communion is undertaken through the Networks of the Anglican Communion. We thank them for their faithfulness and commitment to God's mission.
The Conference Staff
This meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council expresses its profound thanks to those who have staffed this Conference, and through their work – before, during and after the meeting – have enabled the smooth running of ACC-14:
Kenneth Kearon (Secretary General), Gregory K Cameron (Deputy Secretary General), Michael Ade, Clare Amos, Stuart Buchanan, Lynne Butt, Rachel Carnegie, Christine Codner, David Craig, Suminder Duggal, Paul Feheley, Andrew Franklin, Yoshimi Gregory, Phil Groves, Gill Harris-Hogarth, Ian Harvey, John Kafwanka, Stephen Lyon, Fiona Millican, Sue Parks, Dorothy Penniecooke, Terrie Robinson, Joanna Udal, Neil Vigers, Hellen Wangusa. Interpreters: Paul Cho, Dominique Macneill, Eddie Marques-Picon
We also thank the staff and management of the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel who provided a comfortable home in which to do our work.