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On this page we will collate Lent resources issued by the provinces, networks and agencies of the Anglican Communion and partner organisations.
Anglican Provinces and Dioceses
Agencies, Networks, and Partner Organisations
Additional resources are being collated by the Mission Department of the Anglican Communion Office. These can be found on their webpage by clicking here.
The Anglican Church of Canada
Set free by truth
A series of reflections by north American Anglican and Lutheran leaders: Archbishop Fred Hiltz of the Anglican Church of Canada, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of the US-based Episcopal Church, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and National Bishop Susan Johnson from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
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Church of England
#LiveLent: Let your life shine
This six-week discipleship course from the Church of England, based on the Gospel of John, is designed to help participants explore what it means to be a witness through a series of daily readings, reflections, prayer, and a simple action “that will enable the light of Jesus to shine through our everyday lives.”
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Church of Ireland (Biblical Association)
As the Father sent me, so I send you
A series of five Lenten Bible studies from the Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland, designed to foster a biblical approach to the Anglican Communion’s Five Marks of Mission. The Five Marks were formulated in the Anglican Communion in 1984 and have been emphasised in the Church of Ireland in recent years. The five studies focus in turn on the Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform, Treasure aspects of mission, moving from the teaching and pastoral care required after initial conversion to the wider social and environmental challenges of the Gospel.
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Church of the Province of South East Asia (Diocese of West Malaysia)
At the Foot of the Cross
A series of daily reflections in English and Chinese for use from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Edited by Archdeacon Eddie Ong, At the Foot of the Cross explores the Psalms through a range of contributors from the Diocese of West Malaysia, with contributions also from Australia and England.
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The Anglican Church of Southern Africa (Diocese of Cape Town)
Water (In)Justice
Written by the Revd Shaun Cozett, this series of Lenten reflections focus on water and water injustice – and is particularly timely given that the civic authorities in Cape Town are approaching a day – dubbed Day Zero – when taps in the district will be switched off unless sufficient water has been saved through reductions in usage.ohnson from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
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The Episcopal Church
Set free by truth
A series of reflections by north American Anglican and Lutheran leaders: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of the US-based Episcopal Church, Archbishop Fred Hiltz of the Anglican Church of Canada, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and National Bishop Susan Johnson from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
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Anglican Board of Mission (Anglican Church of Australia)
This Lent, Hear the Stories
This seven-part study guide written by ABM’s international programmes director, Dr Julianne Stewart, contains “transformative stories from around the world of Anglican communities grappling with global challenges.”
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Anglican Communion Environmental Network and the Global Catholic Climate Movement
Lenten Fast for Creation
The Anglican Communion Environmental Network has joined forces with the Global Catholic Climate Movement to produce a multi-lingual Lenten carbon fast in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. The campaign begins with an introductory “week”, from 15 February to 17 February, where the focus is on prayer. This is followed by four themed weeks, on waste, food, energy and water; with a final “Week of Appreciating Nature” in the run up to Holy Week.
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Church Army
Being Salt and Light
The Church Army – a mission society linked with the Anglican Churches in the UK and Ireland – has produced a series of Lent reflections in which they dare people to carry out tasks designed to inspire and activate them in their evangelism.
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The Forward Movement
Good Book Club
The US-based Episcopal Church’s Forward Movement is inviting Episcopalians to study the Gospel of Luke during Lent and the Acts of the Apostles over Eastertide, through a series of daily readings. “We love sequels, and Luke-Acts provides a wonderful two-part narrative,” the ministry says on its Good Book Club website.
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The Revd Tim Schenck and the Forward Movement
Lent Madness
In Lent Madness, 32 saints will battle it out to win the “Golden Halo” through internet voting. Devised by the Revd Tim Schenck a priest from the US-based Episcopal Church’s Diocese of Massachusetts, this is a Lent campaign with a “unique blend of competition, learning, and humour” and will inspire participants “by the ways in which God has worked through the lives of saintly souls across generations and cultures.”
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All Things Are Possible
The mission agency USPG has produced a Lent course for 2018 which looks at how Anglican Churches around the world are supporting global development. The course has a focus on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were agreed by UN member countries in September 2015 to replace the Millennium Development Goals. The SDGs have been endorsed by Anglican leaders around the world.
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