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News Stories


Mothers’ Union calls members to show love for prisoners and families this week

Mothers’ Union members are being invited to focus their prayers around prisoners, prison staff and the families of prisoners this week.

17 October 2019

New bishop for Church in Wales gives House of Bishops equal balance of men and women

One of the first women to be ordained a priest in the CoE has been elected as the new bishop of Monmouth for the Church in Wales.

26 September 2019

Photo competition to showcase diversity of mission in UK churches

A photo competition launched by CMS hopes to change perception about how churches are involved in mission in the UK and beyond.

18 September 2019

Vulnerable to benefit from Welsh church centenary appeal

The Church in Wales is marking its centenary year by launching an appeal to help the homeless and victims of conflict.

13 September 2019

Young people at the heart of new international Finland-Wales ecumenical partnership

Finnish and Welsh young people will be at the heart of a new partnership between their country’s church leaders, agreed this week.

07 June 2019

Anglican bishops in Sri Lanka advise clergy to “prudently discern” whether to hold services

Bishops of the Anglican Church of Ceylon have asked clergy to “prayerfully discern whether it is prudent to hold the worship” on Sunday.

26 April 2019

An Easter Message from the Archbishop of Wales, John Davies

An Easter Message from the Archbishop of Wales, John Davies

18 April 2019

Church of England invites parishioners to “tea and prayer drop-ins” as Brexit deadline nears

Communities urged to join together in conversation and prayer as discussions over the UK’s departure from the EU reach a pivotal point.

18 March 2019

Church of England national investment bodies strengthen ethical engagement with companies

The national investment bodies of the Church of England have announced a series of success stories with its stakeholder engagement. 

05 March 2019

Anglican leaders from United Kingdom and Ireland gather for regional Primates’ Meeting

The latest in a series of Regional Primates’ Meetings taking place before next years Lambeth Conference ook place this week in Armagh.

01 March 2019