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News Stories


Anglicans at UN call for protection of vulnerable in Ukraine

Anglican representatives at the UN call for an urgent response to the “ever-growing threat” faced by vulnerable people in war-torn Ukraine.

31 March 2022

Anglican Communion welcomes UN call for peace in Ukraine

Chair of the Anglican Communion UN Reference Group, Archbishop Maimbo, has welcomed UN call for peace in the Ukraine.

07 March 2022

Indigenous peoples and youth at heart of Anglican engagement with COP26

Indigenous peoples and youth, as well as climate resilience and just financing, are priorities for the Anglican Communion at COP26.

28 October 2021

Church leaders say United Kingdom’s “nuclear weapons increase is immoral and wrong”

The Archbishops of York and Wales describe the UK’s intention to increase its nuclear-weapons capacity as both “immoral and wrong”.

02 April 2021

What’s faith got to do with it? – Mothers’ Union and Anglican Communion ask

Joint Anglican Communion and Mothers’ Union webinar has been selected as parallel event for the Commission on the Status of Women.

12 March 2021

Churches are “important partners” to achieve gender justice, Anglican Communion tells UN

Anglican Communion Office at the United Nations makes five recommendations to the 65th Commission on the Status of Women.

12 March 2021

Science-faith partnership is vital for tackling climate change

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby tells faith leaders “now is the time for action” on climate change ahead of COP26 conference.

01 March 2021

Young Anglicans urged to register for global environment event

Call for Anglican young people to participate in pre-COP26 “Youth 4 Climate: Driving Ambition” global environmental event in Milan, Italy

22 February 2021

Japanese Anglicans and ecumenical groups welcome UN nuclear weapon ban treaty

Religious leaders in Hiroshima and Nagasaki urge Japanese government to support Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

22 February 2021

ACOUN says Churches are “important partners of governments” to achieve gender justice

The Anglican Communion Office at the UN is urging world governments and international organisations to partner with churches.

13 November 2020