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social media

Bishop’s Sunday “selfie” posts aim to challenge popular image of empty churches

Australian Bishop John Roundhill is hoping to reshape the way people see churches through his Sunday “selfie” posts on social media.

17 October 2019

Church of England gathers digital creatives to develop new apps and social media campaigns

The C of E’s Digital Labs will bring together 50 creatives to pool knowledge and ideas for new apps, websites and social media campaigns.

12 January 2018

Archbishop Jackson urges Anglican Church of Kenya to embrace social media

Clergy in the Church of Kenya are being trained to use social media ahead of the launch of a new online church to reach young people.

12 January 2018

Paper-based social-media campaign links Anglicans against gender-based violence

Anglicans worldwide are using a simple paper-based social-media campaign to mark 16-Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

04 December 2017

Advent on Instagram: see the Anglican world celebrate and join in!

ACNS is launching a new Instagram service, showcasing how Anglicans around the world are experiencing Advent and Christmas.

01 December 2017

Adviento en Instagram: vea el mundo anglicano y episcopal celebrar y participe

ACNS está lanzando un nuevo servicio de Instagram, que muestra cómo los anglicanos de todo el mundo están experimentando Adviento.

01 December 2017

Advento no Instagram: veja o mundo anglicano e episcopal celebrar e junte-se a ele

ACNS is launching a new Instagram service, showcasing how Anglicans around the world are experiencing Advent and Christmas.

01 December 2017

Questions about evangelism? Why not #AskTheArchbishop

Archbishop Justin Welby will answer questions about evangelism tomorrow in a question and answer session hosted on Twitter.

31 May 2017

Advent focus on Christians of Mozambique and Angola

The stories of Christians from Mozambique and Angola who have “been quietly getting on with building and being the church” will be published over the next four weeks.

25 November 2016

Tweeters invited to #AskJustinWelby on prayer

The Archbishop of Canterbury will take part in an online question and answer session using the social media platform Twitter on Monday.

02 September 2016