Leaders from the churches and chapels in the Welsh town of Port Talbot have formed an ecumenical ministry team to support thousands of local workers who could lose their jobs following the announcement that the Indian steel company Tata, which owns the majority of the UK’s steel works, is looking to divest from its operations in the country.
31 March 2016
The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church in America has issued a unanimous “word to the church” expressing concern about the language being used in the US political season.
17 March 2016
The Archbishop of Cape Town, Thabo Makgoba, has called for South Africans to stop chanting “this must fall” and “that must fall” and instead work together to “create a deafening chorus of what must rise.”
15 March 2016
Christians and Muslims joined forces in New Delhi today in a silent rally against continuing discrimination against them. In 1950, the Indian government made the Constitutional Scheduled Caste Order to increase rights and improve the lives of previously disadvantaged Dalits; but Christians and Muslims were excluded from the new benefits because both groups reject casteism.
10 March 2016
In the months following General Convention, the [American] Episcopal Church has been working to fulfil its mandate to confront racism and the institutional structures that support it.
27 January 2016
Anglicans in Jamaica have begun pooling their work and skills so that local churches’ “little efforts” can combine to make a big difference. This pioneering approach to mission, dubbed the Anglican Togetherness Group (ATG), is being supported by the Anglican mission agency United Society.
19 January 2016
The C of E is setting up a network of champions to work alongside police forces and statutory and non-statutory agencies to support victims of human trafficking. Last year more than 2,300 people were identified as victims of trafficking in the UK from more than 96 different countries. That figure is set to rise following the coming into force of the new Modern Slavery Act which creates new offences and sets out a number of measures to protect victims.
10 November 2015
Student fees in South Africa will not rise next year, the South African President Jacob Zuma announced in a televised address, following talks between students and university vice chancellors.
23 October 2015
The Primate of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa, Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, has taken part in protests about increases in student fees this morning (Thursday) the day after his son, Nyakallo Makgoba, was arrested for taking part in a similar protest yesterday in Cape Town.
22 October 2015
“Together” is the title of a DVD produced by the Christchurch Anglican Social Justice Unit as a resource for Social Service Sunday.
22 July 2013