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refugees and migrants

Latin America bishops call on US to “love the stranger” in statement on immigration policies

Bishops from Latin America met last week to discuss “anti-migrant, racist and discriminatory policies adopted by the US’ authorities.”

06 February 2018

Melbourne bishop defends “fine” South Sudanese over “African-gangs media-frenzy”

Bishop Philip Huggins says the church should do more to support the South Sudanese migrant and refugee community in Victoria state.

18 January 2018

Christian groups decry US policy change on Salvadorans as Episcopalians offer support

200,000 Salvadorans who have legally established roots and families in the US could be deported after immigration protections end.

12 January 2018

Cross-provincial regional meeting to discuss Latin American migration returnees crisis

Bishops from the northern triangle of Central America will a regional cross-provincial meeting to discuss a growing migrant crisis.

11 January 2018

Cuddly bears bring early Christmas joy to South Sudanese refugees in Uganda

700 teddy-bears which sat on the steps of London's St Paul’s Cathedral in July are now providing comfort to child refugees in Uganda.

06 December 2017

Australian churches call for resettlement of Manus Island refugees

Three ecumenical groups are urging the Australian Government to re-settle refugees formerly housed in the Manus Island refugee camp.

28 November 2017

Refugees missing from European media reports on migration crisis

A detailed study by an ecumenical group accuses European media of maintaining a “pattern of invisibility” for refugees and migrants.

17 November 2017

Church provides driver mentoring for refugees

An Anglican church in Sydney is giving local refugees experience of driving on Australia’s roads. 

25 September 2017

US bishops urge continued protection for child migrants

US bishops have used a full-page advert in the New York Times urging political leaders to retain protections for undocumented child migrants.

22 September 2017

A small Episcopal church’s welcome to refugees hits the movie screens

The true story of how a group of Burmese refugees helped to save an Episcopal church in Tennessee has been turned into a movie.

17 August 2017