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palliative care

NZ Bishops add voice to euthanasia opposition

Nine New Zealand bishops have made a submission to the country’s Parliament urging no change to the law where the “right to die” is concerned. Their intervention follows a similar submission last week from the ecumenical InterChurch Bioethics Council.

02 February 2016

NZ churches oppose physician-assisted suicide

The ecumenical body which advises church members of the “spiritual, ethical and cultural issues connected to biotechnology and related issues” in New Zealand has responded to a government consultation by stressing its opposition to the introduction of “physician-assisted suicide.”

28 January 2016

Religious leaders join voices in call for global access to palliative care for children

Leading experts in the field of paediatric palliative care from around the world gathered in Rome, Italy, yesterday (Wednesday, 10 November) to meet with leaders of different faiths, human rights advocates and the parents of children who have died or who are facing death, to call for global access to children’s palliative care.

11 November 2015