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Exploration of diaconate in Anglican, Roman Catholic and Ukrainian Catholic churches

The role of deacons in the Church will be discussed by an international ecumenical gathering in Regina, Canada, in May next year.

08 December 2017

Round-table discussion explores how to support bishops in their ministry

A meeting of bishops, trainers and funders has been held in Nairobi to explore how best to support and equip episcopal ministry.

05 December 2017

Europe develops training course for interim ministers

A new training course to help priests appointed to interim ministry posts has been delivered by the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe.

19 September 2017

"Every community needs a church" - Nigerian Primate says

Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, the Primate of Nigeria, has said that large communities of people need “a recognisable Anglican presence”.

26 October 2016

Record numbers join pioneer ministry course

A training course for pioneer ministry run by the Church Mission Society has attracted its largest number of students for the new academic year.

23 September 2016

Church of England needs 50 per cent increase in ordinands

The C of E is seeking to increase the number of candidates selected for ordained ministry from around 500 each year to 750.

20 September 2016

Two-decade wait finally over for Korean women's ministry centre

After 20 years of prayers, hopes and fund-raising, a new Women’s Mission Centre will open in Seoul, Korea, this weekend.

02 September 2016

Pioneer helps recovering addicts build bridges to God

A new pioneer church for people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction is helping to transform lives and build bridges to God.

09 August 2016

Church in Wales brings "revolution" to UK ministry training

A revolution in ministry training in the UK is being promised by the Church in Wales when its new training institute opens for business next week.

28 June 2016

Anglican-Methodist ministry exchange delayed

Moves towards the mutual recognition and acceptance of Anglican and Methodist ministers in New Zealand have been delayed by at least two years after the Province’s General Synod heard that their Council for Ecumenism had not considered a report from the Anglican-Methodist Dialogue Group.

19 May 2016