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Senior ecumenical panel to discuss Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

Five Christian denominations associated with the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification are discussing how to take the text further.

27 March 2019

World Council of Churches’ environment specialist among 157 killed in plane crash

WCC environment expert Norman Tendis is amongst 157 people killed when an Ethiopian Airlines plane crashed near Addis Ababa on Sunday.

12 March 2019

World Anglican Centre could become first Anglican presence in Jesus’ birthplace Bethlehem

The Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani, has met the Mayor of Bethlehem to discuss a new World Anglican Centre in Bethlehem.

26 February 2019

Anglo-German leaders urge “fair and sustainable solutions” to future UK-EU relationship

Archbishop Justin Welby and Landesbischof Heinrich Bedford-Strohm have called for “fair and sustainable” solutions for UK-EU co-existence.

19 November 2018

Blog: Choisir le chemin étroit

La convocation des Églises épiscopales en Europe fait partie de l’Église épiscopale basé aux États-Unis et est dirigée par Mgr Pierre Whalon. Dans cet article, il réfléchit aux questions de l’œcuménisme et de l’unité chrétienne.

01 October 2018

Young Canadian Lutherans and Anglicans in “eye-opening” homelessness simulation

The national Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (Clay) event last month helped bring home the realities of homelessness for participants.

07 September 2018

Ecumenical consultation to discuss implications of Joint Declaration on Doctrine of Justification

Representatives of five denominations have met to discuss the ongoing implications of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification.

08 June 2018

Canadian Anglican and Lutheran leaders ask for Earth Day prayers and action

With the approach of Earth Day on Sunday (22 April) Canadian Anglican and Lutheran leaders are asking for prayers and Earth-friendly action.

19 April 2018

Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists, Reformed and Anglicans “drawn into deeper communion”

An agreement between the Lutheran and Roman Catholic Churches was the focus of a Reformation anniversary service at Westminster Abbey.

31 October 2017

Archbishop Welby to present ACC Reformation resolution to Catholic and Lutheran leaders

An Anglican Consultative Council resolution on justification by faith will feature in an ecumenical service in Westminster Abbey next week.

24 October 2017