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Indigenous peoples and youth at heart of Anglican engagement with COP26

Indigenous peoples and youth, as well as climate resilience and just financing, are priorities for the Anglican Communion at COP26.

28 October 2021

Anglican bishops call for a halt in oil drilling in Namibia’s Kavango Basin

Anglican bishops have signed a petition calling for a halt to oil drilling in the Kavango Basin in Namibia, by Canadian Company ReconAfrica.

11 March 2021

Environment Maori Anglicans tell of turning grief to joy during four part webinar series

The Anglican Indigenous Network, Anglican Communion Environment Network and Anglican Alliance hosting four Advent webinars.

14 December 2020

Anglican network warns of Covid-19 impact on indigenous communities around the world

The Anglican Indigenous Network is concerned that “one size fits all” responses to Covid-19 will not give indigenous people an equal chance of surviving the disease.

20 April 2020

Domestic violence and human trafficking among issues Anglican women take to UN

The Anglican delegation to the 64th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW64) will be urging states to act on issues such as domestic violence and human trafficking.

03 March 2020

The Anglican Church of Canada launches new podcast featuring indigenous voices

The Anglican Church of Canada launched an eight-part podcast series, “Sacred Teachings: Wisdom of the Land”, last week.

11 February 2020

Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Australia to resign

Archbishop of Melbourne will be resigning as Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia in March, after almost six years in post.

28 November 2019

Anglican network calls for Communion-wide support for indigenous people’s rights

Members of the Anglican Indigenous Network have called for a greater voice for indigenous Anglicans in the work of the Anglican Communion.


22 November 2019

Watershed vote as Anglican Church of Canada supports an indigenous church

The Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada has voted overwhelmingly to enable a self-determining indigenous church within the Church.

19 July 2019

New Mexican bishop hopes to lead services in indigenous languages

A Mexican-born priest in the Church of Canada has been elected as the coadjutor bishop of Southeast Mexico, where few speak Spanish.

14 June 2019