Archbishop Justin Welby took a break from ACC-17 to visit Jackie Pullinger’s Shing Mun Springs Multi-Purpose Rehabilitation Homes.
02 May 2019
The Anglican Church of the Indian Ocean has designated September as a month of prayer for the three countries in the Province.
28 August 2018
A new pioneer church for people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction is helping to transform lives and build bridges to God.
09 August 2016
The Church of South India has held a short-film competition and film festival as part of a campaign to dissuade young people from using and becoming addicted to drugs. Some 25 short films were entered into the competition, organised by the Church’s youth department; and the 12 best were screened during the festival.
04 April 2016
New centre to rehabilitate drug addicts in mid-Wales has been officially opened by the Bishop of Swansea and Brecon
25 July 2013