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Hymn writing competition to help mark centenary of Church in Wales

A hymn writing competition has been launched to mark the centenary of the Church in Wales which will be celebrated next year.

12 December 2019

Vulnerable to benefit from Welsh church centenary appeal

The Church in Wales is marking its centenary year by launching an appeal to help the homeless and victims of conflict.

13 September 2019

Church of Ireland marks Easter Rising centenary

The centenary of the Easter Rising – an armed insurrection by republicans seeking an end to British rule in Ireland that would eventually lead to the formation of an independent Ireland – will be marked by the Church of Ireland with an evening of presentations and discussion at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin.

08 February 2016

Celebrating a century of tradition at a unique bush church

The remote Marra Creek Church in western New South Wales has celebrated 100 years since its first service was held.

19 August 2013