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bp gregory cameron

Church in Wales calls for “concerted diplomatic action” over Syria chemical weapons attack

The Governing Body of the Church in Wales has called for “concerted diplomatic action” following the chemical attack in Douma.

13 April 2018

Welsh electoral college to choose next archbishop and primate

An electoral college of the Church in Wales will meet in Llandrindod Wells next month to choose the province’s next archbishop and primate.

16 August 2017

Cultural “first” appointments highlight diversity of Anglican Communion

The Church of England has selected a Nigerian to be the next Bishop of Woolwich in the Diocese of Southwark, it was announced today.

20 December 2016

Welsh Christians walk from Bethlehem to Egypt for refugees

A group of Welsh Christians are walking from Bethlehem to Egypt to raise funds for Christian Aid’s work with refugees and displaced people around the world.

07 December 2016

Anglicans and Oriental Orthodox theologians reach further agreement on the Holy Spirit

The official dialogue between the Anglican Communion and the Oriental Orthodox Churches have reached further agreement on the theological understanding of the Holy Spirit.

31 October 2016

Anglicans hear of Middle East Church's work with Syrian IDPs and refugees

One third of the population of Lebanon are refugees from other countries, an Anglican delegation heard this week as they met with the Middle East Council of Churches in Beirut.

27 October 2016

Media challenged over portrayal of refugees

Church leaders in Wales have joined forces to call on the country’s media to change the way they report on refugees.

18 August 2016

EU referendum: Statement by the Bishops of the Church in Wales

The Bishops of the Church in Wales have responded to yesterday’s EU referendum in the UK with the following joint statement.

24 June 2016

Bishop renders four beasts unto Caesar

Britain’s Royal Mint is changing the shape of the UK’s pound coin, replacing the round design with a new 12-sided coin; and today it has released the last ever round pound – with a picture of four royal beasts designed by the Bishop of St Asaph, the Rt Revd Gregory Cameron.

10 May 2016