Bishop Anthony Poggo calls on Anglicans around the world to join an ecumenical day of prayer and fasting for peace in the Holy Land.
16 October 2023
The Anglican Communion Secretary General, Bishop Anthony Poggo, has responded to the latest outbreak of hostilities around Gaza.
08 October 2023
Archbishop Hosam Naoum is to install the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion as an honorary Canon of Saint George’s Cathedral.
04 July 2023
Anglicans should use moderate language and not be judgmental as they discuss areas of disagreement, Bishop Anthony Poggo said.
28 June 2023
Anglican Communion Secretary General Bishop Anthony Poggo will address General Synod during visit to the Anglican Church of Canada.
23 June 2023
Two of the Church of England’s national investment bodies have announced plans to disinvest from a large number of fossil fuels companies.
22 June 2023
The Bishop of Morobo, Amosa Data Elinama, was attacked and kidnapped this morning by an armed gang. He has since been released.
05 June 2023
The Very Revd Canon Dr Sammy Wainaina has been appointed as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Advisor for Anglican Communion Affairs.
27 March 2023
The Anglican Episcopal Archbishop in Jerusalem, the Most Revd Hosam Naoum, elected as Vice Chair of the Anglican Consultative Council.
17 February 2023
Canon Maggie Swinson, a lay canon from England, has been has been acclaimed as the new Chair of the Anglican Consultative Council.
16 February 2023