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book launch

Archbishop’s new book on faith in the face of persecution

The Archbishop of the internal province of Jos, Ben Kwashi, has shared his story in a new book about living on ‘the front line’ in Nigeria.

06 September 2019

Archbishop of Canterbury explores the role Christian values play in society

Archbishop Justin Welby’s newest book, Reimagining Britain, challenges the reader to consider returning to Judaeo-Christian values.

26 February 2018

Brasil: Impressoes do Encontro Nacional da Juventude Anglicana

Nesta edição de 2015 após dez anos de hiato, teve como sede a Diocese Anglicana de Brasília e trouxe uma nova perspectiva para a IEAB no que se refere ao serviço, acolhida e sobretudo novas perspectivas para o futuro.

14 September 2015

Latest 'how to' book to help get churches noticed launched

A new book offering help for churches to reach their congregations and communities

25 November 2014