The third Thy Kingdom Come global wave of prayer has come to an end with thousands of Christians gathering for prayer and worship.
23 May 2018
Eight Christians and a Muslim policeman have been killed in an Islamist terror attack on a church in the southern Cairo district of Helwan.
02 January 2018
Church bells rang out across Egypt on Saturday in solidarity with Muslims following a terror attack on the al-Rawda mosque in North Sinai.
27 November 2017
Anglican church leaders have expressed their prayerful solidarity with the Coptic Church after the latest terror attack in Egypt.
30 May 2017
At least 44 people have been killed after terrorists linked to Daesh detonated bombs at two Coptic churches in Egypt.
10 April 2017
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, took part in a vigil at Westminster Abbey last night in honour of the victims of Sunday’s bomb attack on the Coptic Cathedral compound in Cairo.
15 December 2016
Leaders of the Coptic Orthodox Church and other major Christian denominations in Egypt gathered at All Saint’s Anglican Cathedral in the centre of Cairo this weekend for a united act of worship which has been described as an example of “loving, passionate, and world-changing unity.”
16 February 2016
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has backed the use of military intervention in the fight against Daesh (also known as ISIS, ISIL, or IS). His backing came during a debate at the Church of England’s General Synod this week on a motion about the refugee crisis.
27 November 2015
A Syrian Anglican priest has launched an innovative educational programme which is helping to turn young Syrian adolescents away from their feelings of hopelessness, despair and anger; and into Ambassadors for Peace – who then help to teach younger generations of Syrians.
16 November 2015