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A Joint Christmas Message from the Archbishops of Armagh

Archbishop Eamon Martin and Archbishop John McDowellArchbishops of Armagh, have issued a joint Christmas message.

17 December 2024

World Anglican Centre could become first Anglican presence in Jesus’ birthplace Bethlehem

The Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani, has met the Mayor of Bethlehem to discuss a new World Anglican Centre in Bethlehem.

26 February 2019

USA: Former Bethlehem bishop Mark Dyer dies at 84

[ENS] The Rt Revd James Michael Mark Dyer, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem from 1982 to 1995, has died.

13 November 2014

Millennium Celebrations Launched

Millennium Celebrations Launched

The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Canon John L Peterson, is planning to spend Christmas and New Year in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. He will also be present at the launch of Millennium Celebrations, a few weeks earlier on 4th December.

09 November 1999

ACC: Anglicans to help renovate Manger Square

ACC: Anglicans to help renovate Manger Square

The Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) today passed a resolution which endorses a proposal to help create a new town plan for Bethlehem's Manger Square. Anglicans were asked by the Palestinian National Authority to take part in this restoration of Bethlehem. 

19 October 1996