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News Stories


Building on success in 2019, Anglican women prepare for United Nations conference in 2020

Anglican women have been selected as the Anglican Communion’s delegation to the 64th annual meeting of the UNCSW, to be held in 2020.

25 November 2019

Anglican network calls for Communion-wide support for indigenous people’s rights

Members of the Anglican Indigenous Network have called for a greater voice for indigenous Anglicans in the work of the Anglican Communion.


22 November 2019

Anglican leaders pray for peace during Kundesang War Memorial Service

Archbishops from Australia and the UK joined leaders from the Church of East Asia in a memorial service in Sabah, Borneo, to pray for peace.

17 October 2019

Bishop’s Sunday “selfie” posts aim to challenge popular image of empty churches

Australian Bishop John Roundhill is hoping to reshape the way people see churches through his Sunday “selfie” posts on social media.

17 October 2019

Archbishop Welby expresses vision for Anglican Communion at East Asian Anglican meeting

Anglicans from provinces in East Asia today heard Archbishop Welby give a powerful vision for the ministry of the Anglican Communion.

04 October 2019

Australian youth survey gives young people a voice over their concerns

An Australian Christian charity is urging young people to speak up about the main issues they face by taking part in a national survey.

08 August 2019

Myanmar consultation shares steps for whole-life transformation for churches and communities

Representatives from across Asia have taken part in a consultation affirming a new approach to whole-life transformation.

02 August 2019

Research shows most Sydney Anglicans found faith as teenagers

Youth work in churches received a boost in Australia after research revealed the majority of Sydney Anglicans became Christians as teens.

21 June 2019

An Easter Message from the Archbishop of Melbourne, Philip Freier

An Easter Message from the Archbishop of Melbourne, Philip Freier

18 April 2019

Church leaders offer prayer and solidarity after New Zealand mosque attacks leaves 49 dead

Anglican archbishops and bishops in New Zealand and elsewhere have spoken out after gunmen attacked two mosques in Christchurch.

15 March 2019