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News Stories


Church leaders and Alaskan natives step up fight against drilling in Arctic refuge

A coalition of Episcopalians and Alaskan conservationists will take its battle to protect the Artic to decision-makers in Washington this month.

06 September 2019

Episcopalians speak out against oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Episcopalians speak against oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as the US Senate considers opening part of it to energy exploration.

25 October 2017

Bishops urge “prayerful listening” on race, environment and poverty

The US-based Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops called on Episcopalians to join them in working toward environmental and racial justice.

27 September 2017

Debt crisis at Arctic cathedral

The newly constructed St. Jude’s Anglican Cathedral in Iqaluit, Nunavut, may close its doors unless funds are raised

09 October 2013