The Anglican Church of Australia has restated its commitment to the safety of vulnerable people, following the defrocking of Roger Herft.
15 December 2021
The Anglican Church in Mexico has been taking a leading role in protecting children and tackling abuse and violence across the country.
28 November 2019
The Anglican Communion’s Safe Church Commission have met with survivors of abuse as they gathered in South Africa last month.
07 June 2018
Archbishop George Takeli has spoken out after a spate of high-profile cases of sexual violence against girls in the Solomon Islands.
27 March 2018
The co-Primates of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia says churches should be included in official abuse inquiry.
26 March 2018
Archbishops of Canterbury and York write pastoral letter after first hearing by Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse concludes.
26 March 2018
Archbishop Thabo Makgoba has asked bishops in Southern Africa to establish diocesan advisory teams to handle allegations of abuse.
22 March 2018
The Archbishop of Canterbury has spoken of his “profound sense of shame” over church-based abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
04 October 2017
The Anglican Church of Australia has issued a “heartfelt apology” to victims of domestic violence for failures in teaching and pastoral care.
18 September 2017
Australia’s child sexual abuse inquiry says that failing to report abuse - including information given in the Confessional - should be a criminal offence.
14 August 2017