Bishop Anthony Poggo, Secretary General at the Anglican Communion, has authored this year’s Thy Kingdom Come Novena.
09 May 2024
The global ecumenical prayer movement Thy Kingdom Come will this year take place in more than 90 per cent of countries around the world, church leaders were told last week.
03 March 2020
A bishop from Bangladesh claims the Archbishop of Canterbury’s global ecumenical call to prayer has helped bring new life to the church.
24 October 2019
Christians around the world will be praying “Thy Kingdom Come” as individuals, in churches, in ecumenical gatherings and beacon events.
29 May 2019
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Justin Welby and John Sentamu, have invited Christians to pray for more people to know Christ.
08 April 2019
The third Thy Kingdom Come global wave of prayer has come to an end with thousands of Christians gathering for prayer and worship.
23 May 2018
Christians around the world are pledging to mark the time between Ascension and Pentecost by prayering: “Thy Kingdom Come”
03 May 2018
The Church of England is inviting Christians to #LiveLent with a six-week discipleship programme based on John’s Gospel.
01 February 2018
Tens of thousands of Christians from around the world are expected to take part once again in a global wave of prayer for evangelism.
25 January 2018
Archbishop Thabo Makgoba is asking churches in his province to take part in next year’s Thy Kingdom Come global prayer initiative.
28 November 2017