Five Christian denominations associated with the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification are discussing how to take the text further.
27 March 2019
A rare medieval Bible has been returned to the mother church of the worldwide Anglican Communion, some 500 years after it was removed.
03 August 2018
Representatives of five denominations have met to discuss the ongoing implications of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification.
08 June 2018
An agreement between the Lutheran and Roman Catholic Churches was the focus of a Reformation anniversary service at Westminster Abbey.
31 October 2017
Archbishop Justin Welby has spoken of the pain caused by the broken communion between Christians because of the Protestant Reformation.
30 October 2017
An Anglican Consultative Council resolution on justification by faith will feature in an ecumenical service in Westminster Abbey next week.
24 October 2017
St Paul’s Cathedral in London is set to display one of only three-known surviving copies of “the most dangerous book in Tudor England”.
11 October 2017
The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh has delivered a homily in the Anglican Cathedral at a service to mark the anniversary of the Reformation.
10 October 2017
Former United States president Barack Obama joined German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin in front of tens of thousands of people on 25 May, the first full day of Germany’s biggest Protestant gathering, the Kirchentag, or “church festival”.
26 May 2017
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called on Christians to repent of the divisions between churches, in a joint statement reflecting on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
19 January 2017