More than 10,000 individual handwritten parchment folios belonging to the Archbishops of York between 1225 and 1650 have been digitally scanned and are now being made available online. The York Registers, produced by the University of York, is said to be “one of the most important collections of historical materials to survive in England today.”
01 March 2016
Proposals to construct a new library at Lambeth Palace are being drawn up. The Church Commissioners for England have appointed husband and wife architects Claire and Sandy Wright to draw up plans for a new library to house one of the world’s most important collections of historic religious documents and artwork, second only to the Vatican in size and importance.
10 December 2015
Some of the oldest records in Australia – parish registers from Sydney’s early colonial churches – are to be digitised under an agreement between the Diocese of Sydney and the family history website
27 November 2015