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News Stories


Trio of new primates as new Anglican leaders appointed in Alexandria, Burundi and Pakistan

A new Archbishop of Alexandria and Moderator of Pakistan have been installed as Burundi looks forward to its new Archbishop in August.

16 June 2021

New Primate for the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East to be installed on Sunday

Bishop of Cyprus and the Gulf, Michael Lewis, is to be President Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East

14 November 2019

Bishop concerned over asylum official’s “profound misunderstanding” of the Bible

A refusal letter sent by an official in Britain’s Home Office to an asylum seeker showed a “profound misunderstanding” of biblical texts.

22 March 2019

Church of England launches authorised Persian (Farsi) translation of Holy Communion liturgy

Wakefield Cathedral was packed on Saturday for a “Persian Celebration Service” which included the launch of a Farsi Holy Communion.

04 March 2019

“Proclaim the gospel boldly” – Bishop of Lahore tells Pakistan mission conference

Bishop Irfan Jamil has stressed the need to “proclaim the gospel boldly” as the first of five components for Christian life and witness.

23 February 2018

First Persian woman to be ordained to the episcopate consecrated in Canterbury Cathedral

The first Persian woman to become a bishop was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury this morning during a service in his Cathedral.

30 November 2017

Archbishop of Canterbury welcomes Shia theologians to Lambeth Palace

The Archbishop of Canterbury has welcomed a group of Shia theologians to Lambeth Palace at the culmination of three days of dialogue with Christian theologians.

18 December 2015

The Elders conclude fruitful first visit to Iran

Honorary Elder Archbishop Desmond Tutu, joined the delegation at the express invitation of the Iranian authorities

31 January 2014

Could Iran's new President bring peace?

The former Bishop of Rochester, in south-east England, the Rt Revd Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, has written an interesting piece for The Spectator magazine looking ahead to the installation next month of the new Iranian president Hassan Rouhani.

26 July 2013

Installation of Bishop of Iran

Installation of Bishop of Iran

Bishop Azad Marshall was installed as sixth Bishop in Iran in a multilingual and ceremony of many facets at St Pauls Church Tehran on Sunday August 5.

06 August 2007