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News Stories


Episcopal Relief & Development Responds to Needs Created by Hurricane Helene

In the aftermath of hurricanes in the southern United States, Episcopal Relief & Development is working with church leaders to support survivors.

11 October 2024

US-based Episcopal Church plan Revival events to “stir and renew hearts for Jesus”

Revival events to “to stir and renew hearts for Jesus, to equip Episcopalians as evangelists, and to welcome people who aren’t part of a church to join the Jesus Movement.”

19 December 2016

Episcopalians take stock of Hurricane Matthew's damage

Episcopalians along the southeast coastal United States are assessing the damage wrought by Hurricane Matthew. 

11 October 2016

Episcopal churches ban weapons after Georgia gun law expansion

Episcopal churches in Middle and North Georgia have banned firearms from their sanctuaries following approval of legislation that widely expands the state’s gun laws.

30 April 2014