A passionate debate at ACC-17 about sexuality ended with opposing bishops embracing while members sang “Bless the Lord, my soul”.
10 May 2019
Churches in India held a “black day” of protest last week against the continuing discrimination faced by Christians and Muslims in the country’s caste system.
15 August 2016
Churches throughout India are stepping up protests against the country’s discriminatory caste system which disadvantages Dalit Christians and Muslims.
19 July 2016
Christians and Muslims joined forces in New Delhi today in a silent rally against continuing discrimination against them. In 1950, the Indian government made the Constitutional Scheduled Caste Order to increase rights and improve the lives of previously disadvantaged Dalits; but Christians and Muslims were excluded from the new benefits because both groups reject casteism.
10 March 2016
The Moderator of the Church of South India, the Most Revd Govada Dyvasirvadam, has spoken out against continuing caste-based discrimination in schools and higher education institutions after meeting the mother of Rohith Vemula, a research student at Hyderabad Central University, who killed himself following “heinous” discrimination.
03 February 2016
Representatives from 20 Japanese churches, including the Anglican Episcopal Church in Japan, have called on the Japanese government to “eliminate racial discrimination” in the country and to introduce laws to “outlaw hate speech and other forms of discrimination.”
02 December 2015
A global consultation on discrimination, persecution and martyrdom facing Christians in different parts of the world, that took place Albania this week, has been described as “significant” by the Bishop of Woolwich, a member of the Anglican Communion’s Network for Interfaith Concerns (NIFCON) management group.
06 November 2015
Provincial meetings envision Anglican churches as ‘places of refuge’ for people under threat of attack
22 September 2015
Young people tackle suicide, discrimination, sexual violence, closed church structures, environmental damage
25 August 2015
IAM ha participado en la mesa de diálogo convocada por el Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación
13 August 2015