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News Stories


Furnishings damaged in burglars’ arson attack on church

Burglars set fire to a church on the Filipino island of Mindanao last week as they sought to make their escape after stealing students’ belongings.

26 February 2018

Candlelit service for Davao night market bomb victims

The Bishop of Davao, in the Philippines, Jonathan Casimina, has led a candlelit memorial service at the site of last week’s terrorist attack at the Roxas Night Market.

09 September 2016

Bishop condemns night market bomb terror

The Bishop of Davao in the Philippines has condemned “in unequivocal terms” a bomb attack in the city’s night time market on Friday that killed 14 people.

05 September 2016

Anglican bishops call for climate justice action in new video series

New environmental network resource for Anglican advocacy in run-up to UN climate summit in Paris

19 August 2015