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Cultural “first” appointments highlight diversity of Anglican Communion

The Church of England has selected a Nigerian to be the next Bishop of Woolwich in the Diocese of Southwark, it was announced today.

20 December 2016

Episcopal bishops to hold anti-gun violence service during general convention

Prayerful procession to focus on common sense reforms to curtail gun violence

14 May 2015

Ex-offenders find hope at St. Luke's Episcopal Church

Connecticut parish supports those in the community who are in transition

30 March 2015

Northeast churches find creative solutions to adverse weather

For the Rev. Alex Dyer, canceling church altogether on Sunday was simply not an option as weather forecasts predicted more than 20 inches of fresh snow

17 February 2015

New book to help churches challenge gun violence epidemic

"The Church should address gun violence because it is primarily a religious issue" - The Revd Canon Gary R. Hall

22 January 2015

Former Connecticut church sold for benefit of local Muslim community

Bp Ian Douglas: "I thank God that through the stewardship of our property in Avon we have come into relationship with our Muslim neighbors"

23 October 2014

USA: Digital presence for bishops against gun violence

A group of more than 30 bishops of the Episcopal Church have launched a new website to support their campaign to end gun violence.

12 March 2014

Connecticut Episcopalians announce new interfaith partnership

Episcopalians' partnership with Muslims is "exciting", "an incredible gift"

11 September 2013

Episcopal Church leaders commit to challenging gun violence

Episcopal Church leaders commit to challenging gun violence

Leaders across the Episcopal Church have committed themselves to challenging gun violence as part of God’s mission of reconciliation.

04 March 2013

UPDATED Connecticut bishops issue statement in response to shooting massacre [+ en espanol]

UPDATED Connecticut bishops issue statement in response to shooting massacre [+ en espanol]

The bishops of the Diocese of Connecticut issued the following statement in response to the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School

14 December 2012