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Canon Law

Wangaratta’s same-sex wedding blessing “valid”, Australia’s highest Church court rules

The Church of AustraliaAppellate Tribunal has issued legal Opinions after referrals related to the Dioceses of Wangaratta and Newcastle.

12 November 2020

Allegations of irregularities in Haitian episcopal election are “credible”, ecclesiastical court finds

An ecclesiastical court has found that allegations of irregularities in the election of a coadjutor bishop for the Diocese of Haiti are “credible”.

28 August 2018

Child abuse inquiry recommends an end to Seal of the Confessional

Australia’s child sexual abuse inquiry says that failing to report abuse - including information given in the Confessional - should be a criminal offence.

14 August 2017

Historic move towards Indigenous province within Anglican Church of Canada

Sacred Circle delegates endorse draft plan to establish fifth ecclesiastical province

24 August 2015

USA: Episcopal General Convention approves marriage equality

House of Deputies concurs with House of Bishops’ to eliminate canonical language defining marriage as between a man and a woman

02 July 2015

Archbishop of Canterbury response to US Episcopal Church Resolution on Marriage

Prayer for ‘a space for the strengthening of the interdependent relationships between provinces’ – Abp Welby

30 June 2015

USA: Marriage-equality resolutions advance to Episcopal House of Deputies

House of Bishops approves new marriage liturgies for trial use and change to marriage canon

30 June 2015

Scottish Episcopal Church to begin process for possible change to Canon on Marriage

Synod votes to consider possible change and identifies one possible expression of change

16 June 2015

Canon Law and Communion

Canon Law and Communion

I should like us: First: to reflect on Anglican experiences of church order and law. Second: to identify the role which the legal system of each Anglican church plays in the context of the global Anglican Communion - especially how collectively these systems point to an unwritten common law of the Anglican Communion.

08 March 2001