The Bishop of Bakavu in DR Congo, Rt Revd Sylvestre Bahati, has spoken of his sadness after thieves broke into the diocesan offices on Friday night.
07 August 2017
A centre to encourage peace and reconciliation among young people is to be built in the heart of a country racked by conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
02 June 2016
Several missiles exploded late afternoon on Aug. 22 in central Goma causing significant damage to St Paul’s Anglican Church and destroying three classrooms in the adjacent school.
27 August 2013
The Anglican Alliance has kept you informed about the situation in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo thanks to the constant communication with Bishop Bahati Bali-Busane Sylvestre from the Diocese of Bukabu.
30 January 2013
Now more than 20 years ago, the Democratic Republic of Congo has several wars by rebel troupes, militias FDLR/Interahamwe, Maimai, Raia Mutomboki, etc. All these wars have caused death of many people and have plunged the country in poverty due to a great insecurity.
24 November 2011
Nous, clergé et laïcs de l’Eglise Anglicane du Congo, Diocèse de Bukavu, réunis en 10è Synode Ordinaire, du 27 au 31 juillet 2011 à Bukavu, dans l’enceinte de la Paroisse Christ Roi de Muhumba
08 August 2011
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori meets survivors of war, sexual violence and disease in the dioceses of Bukavu, North Kivu and Boga in the Anglican Church of Congo.
28 July 2011