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Bishop Sarah Mullally

Celebrating the 80th anniversary of the first Anglican woman priest

A service to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the ordination of Florence Li Tim-Oi is to be held at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, London.

11 January 2024

First ever Bishops’ peer-learning initiative hailed a success

Bishops from 24 Anglican dioceses and 11 countries gathered in Mozambique for the first ever international peer-learning initiative.

10 August 2023

What’s faith got to do with it? – Mothers’ Union and Anglican Communion ask

Joint Anglican Communion and Mothers’ Union webinar has been selected as parallel event for the Commission on the Status of Women.

12 March 2021

St George’s College in Jerusalem celebrates a centenary of service in the Holy Land

The College, next to St George’s Cathedral near the Damascus Gate, is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.

24 January 2020