The General Synod of the Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo has elected Dr Titre Ande as its next Primate and Archbishop.
19 July 2021
The UK-based Christian environmental charity A Rocha is expanded its already-successful Eco Church award scheme and is now looking to recognise Eco Dioceses.
22 September 2016
Members of the Anglican Communion are hosting a conference in Birmingham, UK, this October on the Christian relationship with Hindus in the Diaspora.
24 June 2014
A not-for-profit organisation should be created to represent the interests of savers, according to a new report.
23 October 2013
More than 50,000 people from all over Britain and abroad arrived in Birmingham on Saturday 16th May to take part in a protest against Third World debt.
22 May 1998