An Easter message about the transformative power of love from the Most Revd Andrew John, Archbishop of Wales & Bishop of Bangor.
02 April 2024
A new Archbishop of Wales has been elected. Bishop of Bangor, Andy John has been chosen as the fourteenth Archbishop of Wales.
07 December 2021
Bishops of the Anglican Church of Ceylon have asked clergy to “prayerfully discern whether it is prudent to hold the worship” on Sunday.
26 April 2019
Church volunteers are stepping in to provide food and support for struggling families as cuts to public spending impact on child poverty.
10 August 2018
One of the longest serving bishops of the Church in Wales, Archbishop Gwilym Owen Williams, is the subject of a new biography.
15 January 2018
An Archbishop who championed the Welsh language will be celebrated in a special service to mark the centenary of his birth.
28 November 2013