Archbishop of Canterbury formally commissions the new Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome during an ecumenical bi-lingual service.
15 November 2019
The first joint visit by a Pope and an Archbishop of Canterbury could take place in South Sudan, the Vatican and Lambeth Palace announced
14 November 2019
The visit of Pope Francis to Mauritius brought fresh energy and confidence to Christians in the country, according to the Bishop of Mauritius.
13 September 2019
Archbishop Ian Ernest, has helped launch an appeal to restore the Cathedral of St James – the mother church of the Diocese of Mauritius.
15 August 2019
Former Primate of the Church of the Indian Ocean to become the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Personal Representative to the Holy See.
17 May 2019
Two potential new Anglican Communion provinces in north Africa and Ceylon discussed when Standing Committee met ahead of ACC-17.
29 April 2019
Recruitment has begun for three Anglican Communion Directors: Unity, Faith & Order, Communications, and the Anglican Centre in Rome.
20 February 2019
The Australia priest chosen as interim leader of the Anglican Centre in Rome has sought to rebuff criticism about his beliefs in the resurrection.
15 January 2019
The governors of the Anglican Centre in Rome have announced the resignation of the Centre’s director, Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi.
21 December 2018
The chair of governors at the Anglican Centre in Rome has been awarded the Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
21 November 2018