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News Stories


Canadian Primate : look beyond quarrels to church’s wider calling of working for justice

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada reflected on the church’s role in society in an opening address to Council of General Synod (CoGS), taking place in Mississauga.

26 June 2017

"Heartbroken" bishops back South Sudan peace move

Anglican leaders in Africa are sponsoring a church-led initiative to end the conflict in South Sudan. The Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa has invited South Sudanese church leaders to Zambia next month to press for the guns to be silenced.

23 June 2017

Anglican Alliance in joint ecumenical statement for World Refugee Day

The Anglican Alliance has joined a group of 20 Christian organisations in issuing a statement to mark World Refugee Day.

20 June 2017

Global day of prayer to end famine

As more people face famine today than any time in modern history, the World Council of Churches (WCC) together with the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) invite a Global Day of Prayer to End Famine on 21 May 2017, in response to the hunger crisis.

05 May 2017

Archbishop of Canterbury and Ecumenical Patriarch commit to tackling modern slavery

The Archbishop of Canterbury and His All-Holiness Bartholomew of Constantinople have pledged to fight modern slavery in its various forms.

08 February 2017