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Anglican Mission Agency, USPG, announces new Chair of Trustees

Posted on: December 7, 2023 3:27 PM

The global Anglican mission agency USPG has appointed the Rt Revd Dr David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, in the Church of England, as its new Chair of Trustees. He joined USPG’s Board of Trustees this December and will become chair from July 2024. He will succeed John Neilson, whose six-year term as Chair will finish in July.

Bishop David said: “USPG has a unique and increasingly central role to play in the life of the Global Church. Its approach to mission, which seeks to understand and value the diversity of views and experiences through a profound commitment to mutual partnership with the member churches of the Anglican Communion is deeply inspiring.”

The Revd Duncan Dormor, General Secretary (CEO) of USPG, welcomed the appointment. He said: “We are delighted to welcome Bishop David as our new incoming Chair. Throughout his ministry, Bishop David has been a highly effective champion of justice, promoting the provision of housing for all and standing in solidarity with refugees and asylum seekers. We look forward to his passion and wisdom as we continue to serve our sisters and brothers across the churches of the Communion by re-thinking mission, energising church and championing justice. Bishop David will bring a great deal of knowledge, skill, acumen and lived experience to provide support and leadership to the trustee board, which will be working to recruit four new positions in the upcoming year.”

Bishop David supports the mission and ministry of around 250 parishes, approximately 200 schools, and a wide variety of chaplaincies. He is passionate about leading churches in the Diocese of Manchester as they grow, nurture, and serve their communities. As a member of the House of Lords, he seeks to hold the government to account, speaking particularly on housing and homelessness, on international trade, and on matters that relate to Manchester and the northwest of England.

 “It is exciting to welcome someone with Bishop David’s considerable capabilities and experience as USPG’s next chair.  The strong attendance of Anglican Provinces at USPG’s recent International Consultation in Tanzania in January illustrates the potential which USPG has to contribute in the coming years.  The current Trustees wish Bishop David every success in leading USPG forward,” said John Neilson, Chair of Trustees, USPG; Deputy Receiver General & Director of Finance, Westminster Abbey.

 Bishop David will lead a Trustee Board of 12 UK-based trustees. They are advised by a Communion Wide Advisory Group (CWAG) with representatives drawn from across the world including Malaysia, Namibia, Ghana, Botswana, Canada, Belize, North India, England and Samoa and Palestine.